
时间:2021-04-08 10:59:12 英语教案 我要投稿




  1. 使用适当的语言描述自己的需要。 2. 从对话中了解关于购物的信息。


  一 . 大声朗读下列单词和词组,并在课文中划下来并背诵。

  1.女士,夫人n. lad (复数ladies) 2.先生n. gentlean (复数gentleen) 3.风格,样式stle

  4.运动鞋n. trainer 5.舒适的.,使人舒服的ad. cfrtable (反义词不舒适的uncfrtable)

  6.受喜爱的,受欢迎的ad. ppular 7.在…..中,在三者或以上中分配或选择prep. ang

  8.紫色的ad. purple 9.灰色的ad. gre 10.衣着讲究的,精干的ad. sart 11.酷的,绝妙的ad. cl

  12.棉,棉织物n. cttn (不可数) 13.围巾n. scarf (复数scarves) 14.两个(都)prn. bth

  15.牛仔裤(复数)eans 16.丝,丝绸n. sil(不可数) 17.羊毛,羊绒n.

  2. She ften practises ___________ (pla) the pian after schl.

  3. The bluse is t large fr e ___________ (

  5. It’s late. Wh nt g t bed? I ____________ (wait) fr enn?


  ( ) 1.The cat is ade ____ wl. A. fr B. in C. f D. b

  ( ) 2.That’s _______ fr this class. Than u. A. all B. bth C. all right D. right

  ( ) 3.There is a factr ________ the far and the hspital.

  A. ang B. in the frnt f C. between D. f

  ( )4.The teacher is ____ his phts t us. A. shw B. shwing C. shws D. is shw

  ( )5.Ang the trees _______ an ld bie. A. is B. are C. has D. with

  ( )6.Hb desn’t nw _____. A. when t d B. what t d C. hw t d D. where t d

  ( )7.There are se flwers n _____ sides f the rad. A. each B. ever C. bth D. all

  ( )8.Wh are u waiting _____ the bus stp? A. fr at B. fr C. at D. fr n


  There is ging t be a fashin shw t raise ne fr the Prect Hpe (希望工程) this evening. Se f  classates are ging t del (穿戴展示) clthes fr the 1980s t the 1990s. Wang ang is ging t wear a red shirt with a blue tie. Zhang Hai is ging t wear a blac and white wl sirt that belngs t (属于) her aunt. Lin Fang is ging t wear a purple cttn T-shirt. Are u ging t ce t ur fashin shw and dnate(捐献) se ne t the pr children in China? Please ce here as quicl as pssible.

  ( ) 1.The fashin shw is t raise ne fr _____________.

  A. Prect Hpe B. anials C. the pr children f Aisa.(亚洲) D. the ld peple

  ( )2.Wang ng is ging t ________.

  A. wear a red shirt with a green tie. B. wear a blue T-shirt with a red tie

  C. wear a red shirt with a blue tie D. wear a blue T-shirt with a white ne

  ( )3.Li Mei is ging t wear _______ sirt.

  A. her ther’s B. her aunt’s C. her sister’s D. her classate’s

  ( )4.Lin Fang is ging t wear t _________.

  A. brwn sil shirt B. purple cttn T-shirt C. ellw cttn T-shirt D. a white wlen shirt

  ( )5.The clthes at the shw fashin are fr __________ A. the 1980s t the 1990s

  B. the 1970s t the 1980s C. the 1960s t the 1970s D. the 1990s t the 2000s









七年级英语上册units 7-12教案04-23
