
时间:2022-12-27 12:32:40 演讲稿 我要投稿
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  Hello there~

  today i am going to hold a topic about the animals.

  personally,i am very like animals,beacause i think all the creatures are our friend.

  i like lion ,leopard ,tiger,wolf,dog and so on.

  i like them especially when they running free,i felt so cool when they running.

  Lion is my favourite animal ,cause they are strength,powerful and brave ,but quite cute some time.

  i dont like snake,i feel afraid and sick of them,indeed ,i thought them is very fearful.

  anyway ,i do hope people dont hurt any kinds of animal and be remember :animal is our friend。 we should protect them and take care of them.

  thank you for attend my lecture~


  On behalf of president Xu Who could not attend today, I would like to first express our cordial gratitude to you for inviting us to this wonderful wedding reception. Also, I would like to extend our warmest congratulations to the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Brown.

  I happen to know the Groom, Mr. John Brown quite well, through our business dealings between his company and mine. I believe Mr. Brown is by far the most competent and efficient businessman I have ever met. Obviously, his competence and efficiency even outside of his profession have also been proved, from the fact that he has today married such a beautiful and intelligent bride. Mr. Brown, with your youth and talent, I am sure that you will have a very happy married life.

  Let me say congratulations again to you both, and I hope you will not work too hard and leave your wife alone too often.




  I woke up and looked at my watch。 Oh my god, it’s 7:30 already! I have to get up at once otherwise I’ll be late。 Today I’ll take the Australian athletes as a tour guide around Beijing, and I’m going to be the interpreter at the Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony tomorrow。 This has always been a dream of mine since Beijing won the bid of the Olympics, and now the dream has finally come true—I have already become a successful interpreter。 And today is another important day of my interpreting career。 I’m a little nervous but, of course, very excited。 Here goes my plan for today:

  Well, our first destination is, surely, the landmark of Beijing, the symbol of the 5000 years’ civilization—the Forbidden City—where the emperors and empresses of the Ming and Qing Dynasties lived, and it’s really grand。 It was renovated recently because of the coming Olympics。

  The second place we are going to is the Great Wall。 This is the only building, I hear, that can been seen from the moon, and it represents the diligence and the wisdom of whole Chinese nation。

  Now, it’s time for lunch。 We plan to have… What? You say ”Beijing Duck”? Yeah, right you are! We’ll come back to the center of Beijing, and we’ll have dinner at “Quanjude” restaurant。 You can enjoy the most delicious Chinese food—Beijing Duck, and you must be very pleased to hear this! Then I’ll show you around the Summer Palace。 It’s the royal garden for the emperors and empresses of the Qing Dynasty to pass the hot summers。

  After visiting those historical places, you’ll surely be impressed by the long-lasting history of our great country。 At the same time, during the journey of moving from one place of interest to another, we won’t miss having a glance of Beijing’s modern civilization。 The skyscrapers, beautiful avenues and advanced facilities must also catch your eyes。 And we’ll also have a chance to experience Beijing’s fast development in person。 We’ll do some shopping at the shopping center near the Olympics Village。 You can buy everything there of course except guns and drugs which are seriously forbidden in China。 To see is to believe。 What you see and experience will be strong prove of your choice to Beijing, China!

  That’s all about my plan for the day。 What do you think of it, my friends? Today, I’m very proud to be here to give a speech about a dream, a dream for which we worked together for nine years or even more。 As Beijing becomes the host city of the 29th Olympic Games, every Beijinger cares for the environment and good manners and behaviors much more than before。 Now Beijing has already made herselves’ dream come true。 So I must work harder to catch up with her steps。 Knowing the hardness of XXX a dream into reality, I need to do my best at every side of my work, so then I believe my little dream—to be an interpreter—will definitely be realized someday in the future!










  As we all know it is very important to keep healthy. But do you know how to keep healthy? Firstly I think we must have enough food to keep us healthy.

  Breakfast is necessary. It gives us energy for morning. We must also have the right kind of food. Remember to eat more fruit and vegetables but less junk food. Don’t forget to wash your hands before meals. Secondly it’s necessary for us to take exercise. Exercise will keep us active and strong. Thirdly I think staying up is bad for our health. If we can’t get enough sleep. We may have a headache. We should go to bed early and get up early. Lastly listen to music or chatting can also make us feel relaxed.


  Days ago, in a biology class, our teacher told us something about the gene project and some experiments done on the animals. He was talking about it in a proud tone, but I felt really upset when I heard that. I think it unfair to treat the animals like this.

  Yes, nowadays, we do often hear about new discoveries brought by this kind of experiments. But when we humans are proud of how clever and great we are, does anyone of us think how miserable it is for those animals that sacrifice in the experiments? We inject viruses and bacteria into their bodies to observe their reaction, in this way, we can know more about the illnesses that we can’t cure at present and we may get rid of them in the future.

  But since we ourselves don’t want to suffer from them, why do we torture the animals? We are all creatures on the same planet, and we are equal. Human beings, although being the most intelligent, have no right to treat the others like this. I have to admit that we do benefit a lot from those experiments and I know it’s unreasonable to stop the advancing of science and technology. But I hope we can find a balance point between the two.

  Nothing can I change, but wonder whether we all lives share the same rights; nothing can I change, but wonder whether science should control everything; nothing can I change, but wonder whether the perfection of technology can achieve the perfection of humanity; nothing can I do, but appeal: Please respect all the creatures, because we are all connected in the great circle of life!


  Respect teacher, dear students:

  Everybody is good!

  The title of my speech is "with diligence success"

  Everybody, to need to use the pace of diligence, in the boundless headstrong field, step out a path to the top.

  University in white water rafting, need constant efforts to held the ideal sail hung.

  Successful flower, people got only longed for it at the moment, Ming yan, but when it yaren, with the bloody, soak the struggle leiquan! Who is that with it the difficult in life come a long way? - hard! Diligence is holding its colorful sail, ride it lives the tiller, tell it bravely go on. Only in the sweat of rivers, will cause the boat toward the shore of our ideal; Ming yan's tomorrow, is today the sweat and blood blend!

  That stood on the peak on the great man of science, shows us is not only the rich fruits of shining golden light, heavier is the symphony composed a song, sweat and tears, left it in the back of the horizon to the world about the flipping cocoon scar in the hand, footprint that is full of peak, on the earth of refraction is "the true meaning of life in attendance"! In the 21st century, the young and gifted to you, please don't let the pursuit of the boat moored in the quiet harbour, let us in changfeng, raise the ideal sail to cross the ocean!

  Friends you want to know, however, leave hard to create, talent she couldn't find the spring, the seeds of prima, autumn, winter's future, you and me tomorrow will be a seed buried in the fertile soil in the dry, from the palace, my life will be just a row of cliff wall in the wind! At this moment, you don't need outside hospital, hesitation? Move! Our diligent strides, make the immensity of the headstrong, stepping out of a belong to our own cotai strip! Let us in the old man's urging, time on the cornerstone of hard to build the palace life brilliant!


  What is happiness?

  I believe that most of us had been “questioned” by our parents or relatives basically about “how much do you earn a month” or “have you gotten promoted”. But few of them care about that if we are living a happy life.

  Concerning such phenomenon, a question comes to my mind: what is happiness?

  As American president Franklin Roosevelt said,“ People are happy only because they think they are.”

  Different kinds of people enjoy different kinds of happiness. To the chairman, nation’s harmony and prosperity is happiness. To retailers, selling more goods and having more customers is happiness. To the police, getting guilt punished and society’s stability is happiness. To beggars, away from starvation is happiness.

  We will feel happy when we receive greetings and wishes. A few words like “Happy new year!” or “Merry Christmas” could be pretty delightful. But not all greetings and wishes lead to happiness. For instance, once I received a message from my girlfriend on November 11th. The message said “Happy bachelors day!”

  Actually, no one can be happy forever.

  We all confront difficulties and failures and experience reversein our daily lives, that is inevitable . We may be upset when we lose a game. We may feel tough when we suffer from diseases.

  But it doesn’t matter because happiness is much more beautiful in comparison with these tragedies. As George Bernard Shaw, a famous British dramatist said , “lifetime of happiness? no man alive could bear it, it would be hell on Earth .” We live a hard time so that we value the happy moments. If there is no sadness, then how could we be able to measure happiness?

  People never give up the pursuit of happiness. They work hard in order to own a cosy life. They take morning exercises in order to keep healthy. They go on a trip in order to release the tension of emotion…

  However, the whole world’s happiness is much more essential than the one’s.

  It’s everyone’s duty to make the world full of love.

  Actually, we are making move. I can see that more and more people start paying attention to the poor. A lot of Hope Projects emerged as well as charity organizations.

  I have a dream that one day when an old man falls down in the middle of the street, passers-by will give a hand instead of walking away.

  I believe that one day happiness will exist in every corner of the world.


  Caring For Nature--Overpopulation

  What is nature? It’s everything that exists in the world independently of people, such as pants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather。

  Now more and more people are focusing on the nature。 It is no doubt that the nature is important to every human being。 No nature, no life。 Because of the supplies of the nature, we have lived happily for a long time。 And we started to gain every thing available from the nature。 And this lasted so long a time。 Today, people have discovered that the nature around is getting worse and worse。

  What is threatening the nature? Air and water pollution, overharvesting of plant and animal species, overpopulation and so on。 Overpopulation is the biggest source of pollution。 Let’s take overpopulation as an example。

  What does overpopulation feel like? When we move slowly through the city in a tazi。 When we enter a crowded slum district。 When the temperature is high and when the air is thick with dust and smoke。 The streets are crowded with people。 The streets seem alive with people。 People eating。 People washing。 People talking。 People sleeping。 People visiting each other, arguing and screaming。 People relieving themselves。 People pushing their hands through the taxi windows, begging。 People leading animals。 People, people, people, people。 As we drive slowly through the crowd, sounding the taxi’s horn, the dust, heat, noise and cooking fires made it like a scene from hell! I admit, frightening。

  To the nature, overpopulation is a big problem。 More people, more pollution。 And the big population is threatening the nature every second。

  The rapid rise in world population is not creating problems only for the developing countries。 The whole world faces the problem that raw materials are being used up at an increasing rate and food production can not keep up with the population increase。 People in rich countries make the heaviest demands on the world’s resources, its food, fuel and land, and cause the most pollution。 A baby born in the United States will use in his lifetime 30 times more of the world’s resources than a baby born in India。 Unless all the countries of the world take united action to deal with the population explosion there will be more and more people fighting for a share of less and less land, food and fuel, and the future will bring poverty, misery and war to us all。

  For most of the developing countries, it is a good idea to control the population growth。 For example, China has carried out birth control for years。 And this plan has a great effect on the world population。

  If the population continues to increase, if the air and water continue to be polluted, if we don’t do something to protect wild-plant and wildlife species will be declining。 Species and biological communities have difficulty adapting to change。 Economic opportunities and the quality of life of future generations are also put at risk。 By protecting nature, we protect ourselves。

  Let’s unite together, hand in hand we stand all across the land。

  We can make this world in which to live。 Hand in hand。 Control the population growth。 Take good care of our nature。


  Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. Do you know what is youth? How do you master your youth?

  Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .

  Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exxists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.

  Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

  Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s nexxt and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and powerfrom men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

  When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

  Thank you!


  China has 5000 years history, People called China 'A country of polite'. Chinese people are always very friendly and kind, but what you should pay attention to is that Chinese people also has their own ways to get on with others. When you meet a Chinese, if you want to start a talking with him or her, you'd better ask like this;Have you eat your meal? But not like English people:What's the weather?' You can also shake hands with Chinese people when you first meet him. When you having a meal with Chinese people , the most important thing you should pay attention to is do not put the chopstickes into the bowl, because Chinese people don't think it's good. In China 8 and 6 are the most popular number, because they means earn money and lucky in China.

  China really has lots of polity cultures, They are waiting for you to find.


  Thanksgiving is learning to be the fulcrum, the heart ofThanksgiving is a good feeling, the world is all things to allpeople expressed their gratitude, remember, Thanksgiving is a finetradition of our nation, is a person of integrity at least moralcharacter.

  Thanksgiving is the key to return. Return is the feeding,training, instruction, guidance, help, support and ambulancethemselves. Grateful, and through its own 10 times, 100 times thepay, and repay them with practical action.


  An unforgettable travel experienceThere has been a long time since I came back from Hainan—wowhainan is such a wonderful place that I will never forget it .It‘s really a good place where gave me a rather good impression. I feel so wonderful during the journey as I have experienced a lot of things for the first time.

  In January 7th ---the first day of my journey the fluttering snowflakes diffused over Changzhou. I first took the train to shanghai then took the plane to Hainan in Pudong airport. Although it’s my second time to take plane I felt even more excited than the first time. When flying I found that I was flying over the cloud of different types and colors. The sky is also brighter and clearer than that I had ever seen. Soon we arrived in Meilan airport in Haikou the climate is totally different from that in Changzhou It was warm there and we could see coconut trees everywhere.After 3 days competition I went to BoAo where is famous for its forum.

  It was my first time to experience the sea and the beach in the sunshine. When sitting on the cruise I could clearly see the ocean waves pushing the windows of the cruise. It seemed that I was surrounded by the waves and the crystal water.

  I felt as if a fish which had been living in the sea happily. Then we land on the beach. The sand on the beach was so soft that it was cosy to lie on the beach. I tried searching for the shells on the beach but failed. The beach was totally different from what I heard before as there was nothing except footsteps on the beach. In the afternoon I played football on beach and scored a goal with my new friends from all around China.

  It was really interesting and challenging.The next day I went to Haikou. I first visited the tomb of Hairui an officer in Qing dynasty who was famous for rectitude. I think he should be the role model of every person. In the afternoon I went to the geological park of volcano. A lot of stones of different shapes came into views. When arriving the top of the park it seemed that the while city was under my view. Also I had seen plenty of interesting and rare types of the plants.

  I also got into a small hole in the park it is said that the hold was exactly the original hole where maqma came from. But the volcano had stopped from erupting for thousands of years.I can’t forget this trip not only does it give me a lot of joy knowledge and good memory but also it give me a chance to make friends with people from different fart in China. By enjoying the excellent scenery I think I have fallen in love with this beautiful city. I will cherish this experience.


  Teachers, students, good morning!

  I am a grade class (147) in XXXX. This is very honored to speak at the opening ceremony on behalf of the grade students.

  Enter the grade, of course, our main task is to learn, learning, learning, hard, hard, and try again. Each course should be comprehensive development, improve efficiency. "Knowledge is power", let's do a meet the requirements of the new century outstanding young, to lay a solid foundation for the construction of the motherland future.

  Of course, I feel that learning is mainly pay attention to methods, rather than the constrained square, play time, rote learning, should live learning.

  We should listen attentively in class, more, ask more, and actively cooperate with the teacher, solve difficult problems in preview, comply with every lesson, to every minute of every class quality.

  After class to review relative to prepare more critical, important is not the amount of knowledge, but the quality of knowledge. Continue to consolidate the learned knowledge, make them take root in the brain, and thrive. Repetition is the mother of learning, it can not only help us to consolidate knowledge, more important is can comb knowledge, spencer once said: "if a person's knowledge of and that his knowledge, the more the more he felt confused."

  The classmates, as long as we can cherish the time, the opportunity will in our hands, I believe that the third this year will bring us more surprise.

  Students, youth is the flower of life, the biggest sorrow of life is to live up to the youth, let us join hands to work together!


  Would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during this past semester. You were alway so patient when I asked you questions. You listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly. You showed me different ways to practice and remember new words and usage. I felt so encouraged and became more comfortable in speaking English. You made the excercise so interesting that I was always very eager to participate and practice. My English has improved so much. How could I thank you enough?! I cannot wait to take your class next semester and keep working on my English.


  Youth is not a time of life, it's the deep springs of life.

  Youth is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees, it's a matter of the will, a qulity of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions.Youth is an apetite for adventures, it often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 without a time of years, but the ambitions.There is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders, it's obious when the youth.

  There is in the center of your heart and my heart a wireless station for recieving the informations of beauty, love, courage and power from man and from the infinite.










