
时间:2024-06-08 02:59:25 炜玲 旅游英语 我要投稿
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  Genghis Khan, "Khan of Khans", was the great leader of Mongolians. At the end of 12th century, he united Mongolian tribes and challenged other powers to expand his huge Mongolian empire, which extended from South China to the Caspian Sea.

  In 1277, Khan attacked the West Xia Kingdom and encountered strong resistance. He died of disease and age. The great emperor was later buried secretly according to Mongolian custom. It says that after the burial 2,000 men were slaughtered by some 800 soldiers who were in turn executed so that the location of the real tomb remains a secret.

  Genghis Khans Mausoleum, rebuilt in 1954 185 kilometers south of Baotou, is a mausoleum, in which only his clothing is buried in memory of the great leader. The 5.5 hectares mausoleum includes three giant yurt halls which house coffins of the Khan, his wife, his son and his generals.

  There are four sacrifice ceremonies held annually to commemorate the great hero and leader of the Mongolian people. The ceremony, held on March 21st on lunar calendar, is the grandest. After the ceremony, horse racing, archery and wrestling are held as entertainment.


  1. Genghis Khans Mausoleum 成吉思汗陵

  2. Caspian Sea 里海

  3. West Xia Kingdom 西夏王国


  孛儿只斤·铁木真(1162年-1227年8月25日),尊号“成吉思汗”(传统蒙古文: ;拉丁蒙古文:inggis Qaγan;西里尔蒙古文:Чингис Хаан;英文:Genghis Khan),蒙古族乞颜部人,生于漠北斡难河(今鄂嫩河)上游地区(今蒙古国肯特省)。大蒙古国可汗(1206年-1227年8月25日在位),世界史上杰出的军事家、政治家。



  Introduction to Genghis Khan

  Boerjianjin Tiemuzhen (1162-1227 August 25), also known as "Genghis Khan" (traditional Mongolian:; Latin Mongolian: inggis Qa γ an; Cyrillic Mongolian: qianjin, qianjin, qianjin, qianjin; English: Genghis Khan), was a member of the Qiyan tribe of the Mongolian people. He was born in the upper reaches of the Wonan River (now the Een River) in northern Mongolia (now Kent Province, Mongolia). Khan of Great Mongolia (reigned from 1206 to August 25, 1227) was an outstanding military strategist and politician in world history.

  Temujin lost his father in his early years and was expelled by hostile tribes, defecting to the Kree tribe. After gathering the followers, he was elected as the Khan of the Mongolian Qiyan tribe in 1189. After a series of wars, he basically unified the various tribes on the Mongolian Plateau in 1204. In 1206, the Great Mongol Empire was established in the reign of Emperor (Khan) at the source of the Wonan River. After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, a thousand household system was implemented, a guard army was established, and the Great Zhasa was promulgated. After multiple external wars, he occupied large territories of the Jin Dynasty in East Asia and destroyed the Western Xia, Western Liao, and Central Asian Khwarazmian tribes. His conquest footprint reached as far as the Black Sea coast. In 1227, Temujin passed away due to illness on the eve of the surrender of Western Xia at the age of 66. Before his death, he decided on the strategy of "uniting the Song Dynasty to destroy the Jin Dynasty" and was secretly buried in the Qi Nian Valley after his death. After the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, he was posthumously awarded the title of Emperor Fatian Qiyun Shengwu and the temple name Taizu.

  Temujin is a highly controversial figure. Since its rise, it has been regarded as a barbaric and cruel aggressor. Since modern times, there have also been views that the foreign conquest wars launched by the Mongol Empire under the leadership of Temujin and his successors promoted mutual influence between the Eurasian continent and had a profound impact on the subsequent world historical process. In addition, he played an important role in the unification war of various Mongol tribes and the formation of the Mongolian ethnic community. Tiemuzhen is still regarded by the Mongols as a national hero and has become a national symbol of Mongolia.




  成吉思汗陵原为全体蒙古民众供奉的“总神祗”—八白宫(室),即八座白色的毡帐,是供奉祭祀的地方,而不是埋葬金身之地。由于蒙古民族是游牧民族,八白室的建立正是适应了游牧的特点,可以随时迁移,以便随地祭祀。1227年,成吉思汗去世后,始建于鄂尔多斯的祭灵白室,起初一直处于隐避状态。根据历史文献所载,成吉思汗归天后,分别在漠北草原和木纳山南(今鄂尔多斯)建立了成吉思汗白色宫帐,视为“全体蒙古的总神祗”,进行最高规格的供奉祭祀。“这一白色宫账,就是以后形成的‘八白宫’的原型”,但“从窝阔台到忽必烈这一段时期,因征战频繁,成吉思汗祭奠也一直处于较为简朴的传统祭奠”。1264年(元至元元年)忽必烈取得了政权争夺斗争的胜利,并将蒙古都城从漠北的哈拉和林迁到了燕京(今北京),随后改称“大都”。1266年(至元三年)忽必烈在大都建立太庙,在听取了伯颜等人的建议之后,将太庙“定为八室”,这无疑从制度上、法律上对八白室做了根本的定型。“成吉思汗八白宫所供奉的神物,虽在不同历史时期有过一些变化,但其核心一直没有变,即成吉思汗与夫人的宫帐始终处于中心地位。因此,八白宫在人们心目中始终是一个整体,其基本内容没有什么变化”,忽必烈在大都建立八室的同时,还“钦定太庙八室四季祭祀的制度”。“四时大典”的制定,也为迄今为止的成吉思汗陵的祭祀定下了一个完整的系统的规范。 蒙古很多文献认为“鄂尔多斯(木纳火失温)乃是成吉思汗八白宫始建的地方”,《蒙古人民共和国历史》(1996年版)也记载:“成吉思汗去世后在鄂尔多斯建立了八白宫”,“从此,成吉思汗白宫也就被称之为‘乃蛮查干鄂尔多斯’,即‘八白宫’”。成吉思汗八白室随着历史的变迁,辗转迁徙,几经风雨。“在元朝时期,共四处建有成吉思汗奉祀之神。即,在河套地区的鄂尔多斯,漠北的哈拉和林,元朝都城元上都和元大都均建有成吉思汗奉祀之神,进行供奉。这一局面延续了一百年”。













  Forming history


  Hara and Lin

  The Mausoleum of Genghis Khan was originally the "chief deity" worshipped by all Mongolian people - the Eight White Houses (chambers), which were eight white felt tents. It was a place for worship, not a place for burying golden bodies. Due to the fact that the Mongolian people are nomadic, the establishment of the Eight White Houses adapted to the characteristics of nomadism and can be relocated at any time for local worship. In 1227, after the death of Genghis Khan, the White Chamber for Worship was built in Ordos and was initially in hiding. According to historical documents, after Genghis Khan returned to his homeland, he established a white palace tent for Genghis Khan in the grasslands of northern desert and the southern part of Mount Muna (now Ordos), regarded as the "chief deity of all Mongols", and carried out the highest standard of worship and worship. This white palace tent is the prototype of the Eight White Houses that will be formed in the future. However, during the period from Wokuodai to Kublai Khan, due to frequent wars, Genghis Khans memorial has always been in a relatively simple traditional form. In 1264 (the first year of the Yuan Dynasty), Kublai Khan achieved victory in the struggle for political power and moved the Mongolian capital from Hara and Lin in the northern desert to Yanjing (now Beijing), which was later renamed "Dadu". In 1266 (the third year of the Zhiyuan era), Kublai Khan established the Tai Temple in Dadu. After listening to the suggestions of Boyan and others, he designated the Tai Temple as the Eight Rooms, which undoubtedly fundamentally established the Eight White Rooms in terms of system and law. Although there have been some changes in the deities worshipped by Genghis Khan and his wife in different historical periods, the core of the eight white houses remains unchanged, that is, the palace tent of Genghis Khan and his wife has always been in a central position. Therefore, the eight white houses have always been regarded as a whole in peoples minds, and their basic content has not changed much. Kublai Khan established the eight rooms in the capital while also "establishing the system of four season worship in the imperial temple.". The formulation of the Four Seasons Ceremony has also established a complete and systematic standard for the worship of Genghis Khans Mausoleum so far. Many Mongolian documents believe that "Ordos (Muna Fire Warmth) was the place where Genghis Khan established the Eight White Houses". The "History of the Mongolian Peoples Republic" (1996 edition) also records that "after Genghis Khans death, the Eight White Houses were established in Ordos". "From then on, the White House of Genghis Khan was also known as the" Naiman Chagan Ordos "or" Eight White Houses ".". With the changes of history, Genghis Khans eight white rooms have migrated and experienced many storms. During the Yuan Dynasty, there were deities worshipped by Genghis Khan in various places, including Ordos in the Hetao region, Hala and Lin in the northern desert, and the capital cities of Yuan Dynasty, Yuan Shangdu and Yuan Dadu, all of which were worshipped by Genghis Khan. This situation continued for a hundred years.

  Ordos Department

  Around 1460, the Ordos tribe, which guarded and worshipped the Genghis Khan Palace tent, entered the Baoritaohai area (i.e. the Yellow River Hetao Plain) from the Mobei Plateau during the Ming Dynastys Shun period. In 1469 (the fifth year of the Ming Dynastys Chenghua reign), Mandulu led the Mongolian Ordos tribe into the area, and the Babai tribe also moved into the area. In 1496 (the ninth year of the Hongzhi reign), a large number of Ordos tribes settled in the Baoritaohai area. The deities worshipped by Genghis Khan in the north of the desert and the four major Ordos also gradually migrated to the area with the Ordos people. They merged with the deities worshipped by Genghis Khan, who was originally built in Ordos, to form many white palace tents, commonly known as the Eight White Houses. Around 1510, after unifying the various tribes of Mongolia, Dayan Khan held a grand ceremony in front of the Eight White Houses. Afterwards, the Ordos tribe was led by Gunbirik Morgen Jinong, the grandson of Dayan Khan, and stationed in the Hetao area, where the Eight White Houses were worshipped. From then on, the Hetao area was known as "Ordos" (meaning a place with many palaces, derived from the term "Ordos" in Genghis Khans palace tent, which refers to a place with many Ordos such as the Eight White Houses of Genghis Khan).

  In 1649 (the sixth year of the Shunzhi reign of the Qing Dynasty), descendants of Genghis Khan, Jinong of Ordos, and the first leader of the Ikzhao League, Elen Chen, moved the Eight White Houses and Suled and other sacred objects from Ikzhao on the south bank of the Yellow River to the County King Banner and enshrined them on the grassland by the Baynchanghuge River. From then on, this place was called "Ijinhoro" (meaning the courtyard of the Lord).

  In the Qing Dynasty, the Lifan Yuan, which was responsible for ethnic affairs, also had clear regulations on the Eight White Houses. During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, the "Regulations of the Lifan Yuan" stipulated that "within the territory of the Ikzhao League, there were Genghis Khans garden dormitories, and five hundred households in the Seven Banners of Ordos were set up to guard the garden dormitories and offer sacrifices to the Dharhart. These households were not allowed to belong to the king, and a wise and capable Zhasak was selected as a member of the league to serve as a manager." Through the Qing governments emphasis on the Darhute people guarding the tombs, we can feel the importance of the Eight White Houses to the Mongolian people and the central government. From then on, the outside world referred to the Eight White Rooms as the "Mausoleum of Genghis Khan.".

  Westward migration

  After the July 7th Incident in 1937, driven by the policy of "conquering China, Japan must first conquer Manchuria and Mongolia", Japan successively occupied most of Suiyuan (western Inner Mongolia) and established the Mongolian League Autonomous Government in Guisui in late October of that year, renaming Guisui as "Hohhot City" and sending spies with the intention of using Chengling to influence the situation in Inner Mongolia.

  In early 1939, during his visit to Chongqing, the Ikzhao Leagues Changsha Keduer Zhabu proposed to the Nationalist Government to relocate Genghis Khans coffin to the Korluoguo Beizi Banner in northwest Qinghai Province to avoid war. Chiang Kai shek agreed and appointed Prince Sha, Chairman of the Suiyuan Provincial Government Fu Zuoyi, Commander in Chief of the Jin Shaanxi Sui Border Region Deng Baoshan, and others as memorial officers for the uprising, with Prince Sha as the main memorial officer and funds allocated from the national treasury for the relocation. When determining the location of Anling, considering that Genghis Khan had passed through Gansu during his attack on Western Xia, it was decided to temporarily move his coffin to Xinglong Mountain in Yuzhong County, Gansu Province. In June 1939, the coffins of Genghis Khan and Bortihatun, Hulanhatun, and Genghis Khans war god Harisulude (Black Banner) were moved westward to Xinglong Mountain in Yuzhong County, Gansu Province. Along the way, the Communist Party also held a memorial ceremony. In early August 1949, Ma Bufang, the military and political chief of the northwest, ordered that the coffin of Genghis Khan be moved to Kumbum Monastery in Qinghai Province. Kumbum Monastery was the last stop of Chenglings westward movement.

  Relocation and reconstruction

  In June 1953, the Peoples Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, at the request of the vast Mongolian people, submitted a report to the State Council of the Central Peoples Government earnestly requesting the relocation of Genghis Khans Mausoleum back to Ejin Horo Banner. The then Premier of the State Council, Zhou Enlai, immediately approved this report and instructed the allocation of 800000 yuan to build the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan, and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government to establish the Linghe Mausoleum Construction Committee.

  Ulanfu Attends Genghis Khans Grand Festival and Mausoleum Foundation Ceremony

  In December 1953, the Government Affairs Council of the Central Peoples Government of the Peoples Republic of China approved the request of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to move the Genghis Khan Mausoleum from Kumbum Monastery in Qinghai to Ejin Horo, and decided that the Central Peoples Government should allocate special funds to build the Genghis Khan Mausoleum. Autonomous Region Chairman Ulanfu personally selected the site and laid the foundation for the cemetery.

  On March 15, 1954, a delegation of 29 people from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, including Eqir Huyaktu, the leader of the Ikzhao League, welcomed Genghis Khans coffin and rushed to Xining by car, preparing to welcome back the Great Khans coffin. On March 29, all members of the Ling delegation were invited to hold a ceremony for the removal of the coffin in Kumbum Monastery together with the leading masses in Xining, Qinghai. After the grand ceremony, on April 3rd, the coffin of Genghis Khan, the coffin of Hulan Hadun, Suled, and other people, as well as the accompanying Darhute people and the Lingling delegation, returned to Inner Mongolia. On April 7, 1954, he was invited back to his hometown of Ijinhoro. On April 23, after the relocation of Chengling, the first grand festival was held in Ijinhoro. In the spring of 1955, the construction of Genghis Khans Mausoleum officially began. The architecture of the cemetery is the responsibility and construction of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Construction Engineering Bureau. Designed by Guo Yuncheng, an engineer from the Design Office of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Planning Commission. The reconstruction project of Genghis Khans Mausoleum was completed on October 30, 1955, and the cemetery was completed in 1956. In May 1956, the coffins of Genghis Khan and several of his wives were placed in the mausoleum. At the same time, the Eight White Houses of Genghis Khan, Hari Suld, and other sacred objects distributed in various banners of Ordos will be gathered at the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan, and a ceremony and the completion ceremony of the new building in the mausoleum will be held. In 1982, it was selected as the second batch of national key cultural relics protection units. Comprehensive renovation and construction began in 2004.










