
时间:2022-11-19 10:10:51 英语四级 我要投稿
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  英语四级作文:借钱 篇1

  Borrowing money is a sensitive issue, some friends become strangers because of borrowing money.

  The problem of borrowing money to others is that less them will return or they will not return in time.

  As for me, I will measure the friends, to see if they are worth to be trusted.

  For those friends whom I get so familiar with, I will borrow money to them with hesitation.

  Some friends such as the ones who grow up with me from my childhood, I trust them totally.

  We get so familiar with each other, knowing each other so well, so there is no doubt that they will return my money.

  They are the real friends, they share happiness and sorrow with me, so they worth to be trusted.

  For those friends whom I dont get so familiar, I need to take consideration.

  If the one who gets bad reputation, I will make some excuses and avoiding borrowing money to him.

  To the one who I am not so sure whether he will return, I will make some discount, giving him small part of the money, telling him there is no need for him to return, thus our friendship wont be hurt, at the same time, he wont ask me again.

  Everyone will go through the hard time, they need help, but we must measure whether they worth to be trusted, or we will lose our money.

  英语四级作文:借钱 篇2

  When you need a lot of money, you first thing you do is to borrow money from your friend, while doing this sometimes may do harm to your friendship. First, your friends may not have too much money at hand, he or she maybe suffer from the lack of cash flow at that moment.

  Everyone has their own worries, when you borrow money, they always have to struggle for a while, their hesitations make you begin to doubt your friendship is true or whether your friends treat your as real one. Second, most people can't return the money in time, because they have all kinds of difficulties, this will make your friends in a awkward situation.

  They are considering whether to ask you return the money, if they do, this will make you embarrassed; If they don't, they will lack of money. So it is better not to borrow money from your friend.

  英语四级作文:借钱 篇3

  I always think that borrowing money is the most damaging action to a friend, because feelings that can be measured without money have to be put on the balance of money to control the weight of feelings. Why should we realize the trouble that can be avoided. I always think friendship is the most beautiful thing in the world, but when I began to borrow money, it was a lot more fragile and realistic.

  Maybe you'll ask, that means don't lend it to others? No, but when you borrow money, please be ready. The money may not come back. It's probably worth it to keep the friendship. In order to help those worthy friends, it is also worth doing so. After all, there are real friendships in the world. These things are priceless. But if an ordinary friend who hasn't been in touch for a long time suddenly calls and opens his mouth to borrow money from you, congratulations. Whether he realizes it or not, he is really ready to break up with you. Borrowing money is the best way to destroy two friends who are not very familiar.

  To put it another way, when you are embarrassed, a person who lends you money must thank him with your heart. Because he abandoned all the above analysis, defeated reason only by your feelings, and believed that the best feelings and friendship in the world were precious. Such a friend should be made all his life. After all, everyone has his own life. He is willing to give up the happiness of his life and share it with you. What friendship is more true than this?

  Therefore, don't borrow money easily, but also reduce the opportunity to lend money to others. Not stingy, but in such a fragile emotional environment before each other, reduce unnecessary and avoidable money temptation. Sometimes we don't borrow money because we are not stingy, but because we are afraid of losing a friend.

  英语四级作文:借钱 篇4

  I want to buy some snacks this morning. As soon as I opened my wallet, I screamed - I ran out of pocket money! I was at home alone at this time, so I had to ask God for help: "dear and kind God, please raise your hand and lend me the ticket to count..." as soon as I finished, a 10 yuan bill appeared in my hand. I was so overjoyed that I wanted to jump on him and call him Dad. But within a second, an earth shaking voice came from my ear: "I'll lend you the money first. I was going to use it to buy beef jerky. Well, you have to pay me 20 yuan tomorrow!" I was so frightened that I fell to the ground and begged: "here, money... I don't want it..."

  If God won't help me, the Jade Emperor can. He is the head of the gods. I really can't think of any relationship between me and the Jade Emperor, so I have to talk nonsense: "the Jade Emperor, for my sake of borrowing money from you, lend me some money..." in an instant, there was a 500 yuan bill in my hand! Ah! The Jade Emperor is the Jade Emperor. It's generous! Suddenly, the Jade Emperor appeared on my head. "Hei hei" smiled and said, "tomorrow is my wedding anniversary with the queen mother! For the sake of lending you money, you have to send me two diamond rings!" "Ah?" I almost fainted, "brother jade emperor, spare me, i... I'll give you the money back..."

  Hum, God and the Jade Emperor are stingy! I thought angrily. Grandma came to my house. She called me: "Ya Ya (my nickname)! Ya ya!" I was in a bad mood (because I didn't borrow money) and ignored her.

  "Here, ya ya, this is the lucky money I gave you! It's the new year, ha ha." "Yeah --" I cheered.

  Ha! This time, God and the jade emperor should have no money to make, right?

  英语四级作文:借钱 篇5

  At the beginning of school, the teacher asked me how much lucky money I got for the new year. When I said this, I looked mysterious. I said carelessly: 50 yuan. The teacher stretched out his right hand, smiled and said: the teacher has something urgent. You lend me all the lucky money and come back to me tomorrow to ask for money. To show our sincerity, we can make a debit note.

  After listening to the teacher's words, I was like a monk who couldn't figure it out. I can't help it. Although I don't understand countless things in my whole brain, I have to do it according to the teacher's words.

  I took the paper and pen, spread the paper carefully, and wrote an IOU three times and two times. I thought silently: this time, I can show my hand in front of the teacher! The debit note reads: × year × month × On the th, the teacher borrowed 50 yuan from me. Finally, I solemnly signed my name and pressed my handprint.

  The next day, I curiously came to the teacher with an IOU for money. The teacher said without changing his face: show me the IOU. I handed in the IOU at once. The teacher looked at it, then put on an experienced posture and said: first, the debit note did not write the repayment date. I can pay it back today or 10 years later. Second, you didn't write your name clearly. You just wrote a teacher, which can be a math teacher, a science teacher, an ideological and moral teacher... Who knows which teacher owes you money? Third, the debit note should be written by the borrower. There is no my signature on this debit note. You said, can I pay you back? Looking at the teacher's look, I suddenly realized that the teacher was teaching me how to write practical articles! A little IOU and so much knowledge.

  Although it has been three years, I will think of it from time to time. It tells me that the seemingly simple things in life are not easy to do well.

  英语四级作文:借钱 篇6

  Spending money sometimes does more harm than good to our children. Sometimes it's just the opposite. Sometimes spending money hovers between advantages and disadvantages. It's easy to spend money. As long as you plan to spend it later, it's good for you to spend money. But if you spend a lot of money without thinking through your brain, it's bad for you to spend money.

  This happened on a Thursday afternoon. The teacher asked us to pay 50 yuan for milk that day. For convenience, I brought 100 yuan directly. After calling the money, the teacher found 50 yuan for me. I wanted to give the 50 yuan to my mother for her control. Unexpectedly, this happened suddenly at this time. I just wanted to sit down and read, but Wang Shuyao hurried to me and said, "what should I do? I didn't bring any money. I heard you brought 100 yuan and the teacher gave you 50 yuan. Can you lend me that 50 yuan?" Wang Shuyao was afraid I wouldn't agree, and then said, "if you give it to me, I'll give it back to you tonight." I hesitated for a moment, then said firmly, "OK, I'll use it for you."

  I thought again, "will my mother say me, and will she disagree?" I comforted myself: "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid. Even if my mother said I was, I still did a good deed." From then on to school, my heart was like drawing water from fifteen buckets - seven up and eight down.

  When I got home, I summoned up my courage and told my mother about it. I closed my eyes and waited for my mother to scold me. Unexpectedly, my mother said, "child, you spent the right money this time. Being helpful is a good variety. I support you."

  After listening to these words, I smiled and laughed happily.

  英语四级作文:借钱 篇7

  In life, helping others is a very happy thing. Sometimes, those help may be insignificant to yourself, but it may be of great significance to others. Now, let me tell you something like this!

  At school that day, it rained. The rain was not too heavy, but it was enough to wet a person. Bursts of cold wind blew and made people tremble.

  I'm running fast in the rain and want to get home soon. It's such a terrible weather

  As soon as I opened the door, I suddenly saw a man standing at the door of the next building. Eh? Why him? Why hasn't he come home yet? "Hi!" I shouted over there, "why don't you go home?" He came up to me and said, "my mother is not at home and I don't know where she has gone. I didn't take the key or my cell phone..." His round face showed anxiety.

  "But I didn't take my cell phone, so what do you do? If you get caught in the rain for a while, you'll catch a cold.". I'd love to help the poor man, but there's really nothing I can do.

  "If I had expected you to bring your cell phone, I could call my mother and let her come back. Alas, go home first and I'll wait for her."

  "Well... OK." I turned around and was about to go upstairs. Suddenly, I seemed to think of something. I rushed out of the door and shouted to him, "Hey, I have a dollar here. Why don't I give it to you? Why don't you call your mother?"

  "Really?" He turned his head with a happy expression on his face. He thought for a moment and said, "forget it, I don't want your money. I'll wait."

  "No, you'll catch a cold in the rain."

  "Oh... Thank you. I'll pay you back next time."

  "No, it's only one yuan. I'll give it to you."

  "Thank you, thank you." With that, he ran to the telephone booth.

  I have helped others and I am very happy myself. Therefore, we should try our best to help those around us who need help.

  英语四级作文:借钱 篇8

  It's really bad to open your mouth to borrow money from others. But after more than a year of getting along, I found that the students in my class have their own characteristics in borrowing money. Now I write it out and share it with my classmates and teachers.

  Zheng Wanling: there is a knife in the smile. When she asked you for help, she always took small steps, bent her eyes into a beautiful crescent shape, trotted to you, first kept you "smiling but speechless" for 30 seconds, then snuggled up to you, shook and shook, coughed twice when she had enough, and said, "Zhao Yueliang, are we good friends?" of course. "What should we do if a good friend is in trouble?" "Help" "Wow! It's so smart that no one can compare. Lend me five yuan." So much nonsense, finally cut into the subject. If you promise her, she will immediately smile and boast about you. If the goal is not achieved, she will immediately change her face and throw down a sentence of "disgusting", shift the goal and continue the above strategy.

  Du Chaoxia: natural type. Quietly moved to your side, expressionless, erratic eyes, gently touched you with the arm shaft, lowered his voice and said, "take a dollar." That look, that gesture, like a spy joint. Often at this time, I was too young to live. She stayed there blankly, waited for the cash, and immediately flew to the canteen. Soon, she ran back happily with ice cream, added one mouthful, giggled, added another mouthful, and laughed.

  Zhao Feng: poor type. Dejected and depressed, he came to you with a heavy step, "plop" and sat down with a heavy sigh (paving the way for the following) "Alas, it's so annoying! I lost ten yuan yesterday. It's really mixed. What should I do for my mother's birthday tomorrow?" At this time, as a good friend, I can only say "let me borrow you" to achieve my goal, shouting "Yeah" and adding "thank you, verymuch." Then he ran away




借钱伤害友谊吗?Does Borrowing Money Hurt Friendship?-英语作文06-18





