
时间:2022-12-28 11:36:41 诗婕 英语阅读 我要投稿
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  Having no language, infants cannot be told what they need to learn.Yet by the age of three they will have mastered the basic structure of their native language and will be well on their way to communicative competence (能力).Acquiring (取得) their language is a most impressive intellectual feat.Students of how children learn language generally agree that the most remarkable aspect (方面) of this feat is the rapid acquisition of grammar.Nevertheless, the ability of children to conform to grammatical rules is only slightly more wonderful than their ability to learn words.It has been reckoned that the average high school graduate in the United States has a reading vocabulary of 80000 words, which includes idiomatic expressions and proper names of people and places.This vocabulary must have been learned over a period of 16 years.From the figures, it can be calculated that the average child learns at a rate of about 13 new words per day.Clearly a learning process of great complexity goes on at a rapid rate in children.

  1.What is the main subject of the passage?

  A.Language acquisition in children.

  B.Teaching languages to children.

  C.How to memorize words.

  D.Communicating with infants.

  2.The underlined word “feat” is closest in meaning to which of the following?

  A.experiment B.idea C.activity D.accomplishment

  3.The underlined word “reckoned” is closest in meaning to which of the following?

  A.suspected B.estimated C.proved D.said

  4.The underlined word “which” refers to ______ .

  A.their ability B.reading vocabular


  Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors. A mistake on one inexpensive postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a tops. The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to a London printer — Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps.Before the order was filled and delivered, a ball was planned at Mauritius’ Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A local printer was instructed to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words “Post Office” instead of “Post Paid” on the several hundred stamps that he printed.Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds and twelve Two Penny Blues. Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it.

  1. Over a century ago, Mauritius _______.

  A. was an independent country

  B. belonged to India

  C. was one of the British colonies

  D. was a small island in the Pacific Ocean

  2. The mistake on the stamps was made _______.

  A. in Mauritius

  B. at Mauritius Government House

  C. in a post office

  D. in London

  3. Stamp collectors have paid 16 800 for _______.

  A. fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds

  B. twelve Two Penny Blues

  C. one One Penny Orange-Red

  D. one Two Penny Blue


  1. C。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句… more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean可知答案为C。

  2. A。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius可知答案选A。

  3. D。事实细节题。根据文章最后一句Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it 可知答案为D。


  China's government has issued a severe weather warning after the heaviest snowfalls in decades. The country is experiencing transport delays and power cuts as millions of people prepare to make long journeys home for the Chinese New Year. This report from Quentin Summerville: China hasn't experienced weather this bad in decades. And as the country prepares for Chinese New Year, the disruption couldn't come at a worse time. Over 100,000 people are stranded(搁浅) in Guangzhou railway station in the south. It may climb to as many as 600,000 as more people arrive to make their journeys home for the Spring Festival. Travellers have been evacuated to nearby sports stadiums and exhibition centres.

  Across China around nineteen airports have shut because of the weather. Around half the provinces in the country have had to start rationing power(定量供电), according to the state media. The government has suspended(暂停) coal exports in favour of home consumption. At least a dozen people died over the weekend because of heavy rains and the snowfall.

  The Spring Festival is China's most important holiday when people journey home to be with their families. For millions of the country's migrant workers it's their only holiday. Some two billion journeys were made during the festival last year, making it the largest migration of people on the planet. And even without the severe weather, conditions on overcrowded trains and buses are terrible. The holiday stretches China's transport system to its very limits

  1. Choose the best title for this passage.

  A. Heavy snow hits China B. Chinese New Year in snow C. China’s terrible translation system. D. An accident

  2. Which is not true according to the passage?

  A. The heavy snow is the worst disaster in decades in China.

  B. No other cities in the world have more travellers in festivals than in China.

  C. The government doesn’t care for people’s life in disaster areas.

  D. The country’s migrant workers have more than one holidays to celebrate, according to the passage


  1. A.文章主旨大意题。所选标题应该能够确切地概括全文内容。既不能以偏概全,又不能太笼统。

  2.C. 综合细节题。短文第三段中Around half the provinces in the country have had to start rationing power(定量供电), according to the state media. The government has suspended(暂停) coal exports in favour of home consumption.提示。A选项中的disaster范围太广。


  China news, Beijing, Feb. 9 – Housing price in China has always aroused heated discussions among property developers and ordinary Chinese. To many property developers and local government officials, housing price in China is still low compared with many developed countries. However, the average housing price in the United States is only 8,000 yuan per square meter, while in China, it is even higher than in the United States. This shows that there are some bubbles(泡沫) in Chinese real estate market, the International Finance News reported.

  Although the average price of residential houses in the United States, after converted to Renminbi, is about 8,000 yuan per square meter, the houses in US are not sold in terms of building area, as most Chinese property developers do when they sell their houses. If US property developers sell their houses according to the building area, then the housing price will be even lower than 8,000 yuan per square meter. In most big Chinese cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, houses are sold at a price even higher than those in the US.

  The high housing sales price in large cities in China proves that Chinese real estate market does have some bubbles. Moreover, Chinese houses can not be compared with houses in US in terms of building quality, environment and supporting facilities. Furthermore, it should be noted that American people’s average income is several dozen times higher than that of Chinese people. How can the Chinese afford to buy a house which is even more expensive than that sold in US?

  At the beginning of 2007, Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public. Now in order to reduce the high housing prices, the government can regulate(控制) the real estate market by raising tax on property industry and controlling the release of loans and lands to property developers. At the same time, the government should allow people to build more houses through various fund-raising channels, such as funds collected from buyers or raised by working units. By applying these multiple means, it is expected that the high housing prices can be lowered.

  56. What is the average housing price per square meter in China?

  A. 8000 yuan B. 10000 yuan C. 7000 yuan D. It’s not mentioned here

  57. Which of the following does NOT support the idea that the average housing price in China is even higher than in the United States?

  A. Chinese houses can not be compared with houses in US in terms of building quality, environment and supporting facilities.

  B. American people’s average income is several dozen times higher than that of Chinese people.

  C. The houses in US are not sold in terms of building area, as most Chinese property developers do when they sell their houses.

  D. There are more people who need houses in China.

  58. What is the main idea of this passage?

  A. The housing price in China is so high that the government should do something useful to prevent it.

  B. There are some bubbles in Chinese real estate market

  C. The average housing price in China is even higher than in the United States

  D. Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public.

  59. How many measures are mentioned in the last paragraph in order to reduce the high housing prices?

  A. Four B. Three C. Five D. Two


  56. D. 文章提到了美国每均每平米的房价,也说到了中国的房价比美国还要高,但并没说中国的`平均房价是多少。

  57. D. 文章说到了美国的售房方式、房屋质量、美国的人均收入与中国对比,都说明中国的房价相对于中国的人均收入来说太高了,说明房市存在泡沫。

  58. A. 前三段说明了中国的房价高,房市存在泡沫,后一段作者例举了政府可以采取的措施来抑制房产泡沫。只有A项点明了这两个方面的意思。

  59. B. 最后一段作者提到了增加税收、减少对建筑商的贷款和土地征用量、允许人民以多种融资渠道建房,从三个方面进行了列举。









