
时间:2021-01-25 19:00:13 英语读后感 我要投稿


  导语:堂吉诃德是一本著名的课外名著。他给我们讲诉了: 一个看 起来疯疯癫癫而且谎言不经的骑士,成天看 骑士小说,做梦也想和 神魔鬼怪大战一场,要不 然就是想 和法师硬拼一 场。最后,他 带上武器,骑上它 唯一 的 一匹瘦马,离开故土,去 做 一个骑上。。下面是小编为大家整理的,英语读后感,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!



  Don Quixote encountered "wonders", or he can't use normal logic to determine, all the blame for "against me bad wizard", the "bad wizard" who is it? There is no doubt that he condemned the object - the decadent feudal ruling class. Don Quixote, loyal to the "lovers" who is it? Not that someone in the west ", but with the spirit of "ranger" photograph echo the spirit of the idol, are the pillar of support their line "ranger spirit". But "bad wizard" does not exist, "toure in the west" is not lovely, is not noble miss, all of all that is not true, so, Don Quixote, when dying, "repent", even though he finally with joy for god's forgiveness, but to encyclopedia sets the tone for the tragedy: ranger spirit, adhere to the righteousness, bravery, intrepidity, kind, caring, ultimately fails, the failure in the whole society, decayed, the whole state machine does not exist the nourishing soil.

  This is what the author made Don Quixote several layers of meaning. Or read a few more times, or some more leisure time, I can find some more meaning, but now, that's it.

  Sancho, another protagonist in the book, he also echo and Don Quixote, difficult to determine if he is the wise or foolish man, especially when the governor "island" of the section, with his unique wisdom solved many problems. In my opinion, the author on sancho praise the wisdom of ordinary workers. He's stupid, other do not say, "Don Quixote die after SangEr last observation that can be just a little. Sancho, of course, the body also has the public ignorance of one side, for example, penny, Roman holiday, such as no longer here.

  Lazy strength attack again, notes in the son. Who knows what time can also add.

  Hope Cervantes don't blame me for his work, his "son" distortion. Rest in peace!







  "Tang Jike DE" this book without a look up crazy and lies of knights, all day watching the knight novel, dream also want to and a ghost ghost war, or it is want to and the mage recklessly. In the end, he carry weapons, on it's only a thin horse, from their homelands and to do a ride. The road, he met sancho, sand and pan

  And promised to give him an island, when the total master, magistrate. Sancho on when the Tang Jike's servant. He is loyal to his master, in Tang Jike DE Castle inn as when you don't pay, or sancho use handwriting only property -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- the wallet held down, just to keep them going: when Tang Jike killed The shepherd of the sample, or he was beaten by playing for Tang Jike DE...

  Tang Jike DE stowe r a.experimental study into mixing can be beautiful, the result have choutaibaichu. Very funny, and they finally return home until the end, he didn't repent. It is a comedy, but it is more like a tragedy, really is happy also is sad. Readers can from jumping to conclusions. But the translator think it just like people say "a dream of red mansions", poking into articles, people must from the highs and the witty story revealed his secret.

  《唐吉珂德》这本书写了 一个看 起来疯疯癫癫而且谎言不经的骑士,成天看 骑士小说,做梦也想和 神魔鬼怪大战一场,要不 然就是想 和法师硬拼一 场。最后,他 带上武器,骑上它 唯一 的 一匹瘦马,离开故土,去 做 一个骑上。路上,他遇到了桑丘,沙潘并许诺给 他 一座海岛,当里面的总主人,县令。桑丘于就 当 上了唐吉珂德得 仆人。他 对 主人真是忠心耿耿,在唐吉珂德吧 客店当做城堡不 付钱时,还是 桑丘用 字迹 唯一 的财产--------褡裢扣留下来,才 使他们继续走 下去:当唐吉珂德打死了 牧羊人的样 的时候,还是 他 替唐吉珂德挨了 打。。。。。。

  唐吉珂德余勇可佳,结果丑态百出。令人捧腹,最后败归故乡,直到寿终正寝,他 才悔悟。这仿佛是喜剧,却更像悲剧,究竟是 喜还 是悲。读者可以自下结论。但译者认为它就像人们说《红楼梦》一样,嬉笑怒骂都成 文章,人们一定从跌宕诙谐的故事情节中领略到他 的 奥妙。









