
时间:2022-12-12 09:19:38 秋莹 事件类英语作文 我要投稿
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  假如我有很多钱英语作文 篇1

  Money is necessary in our daily life, without money, we can hardly survive. So, people want to rich, so do I. If I had money, I will do a lot of meaningful things.

  If I had money, I will take out some money to southeast Asia, let them after the tsunami and earthquake are better able to rebuild their homes. I will also buy some aircraft, let them carrying relief supplies to disaster areas, into the hands of every people, let people no longer to do not have enough to eat and wear not warm.

  If I had money, I will contribute to environmental causes. I will buy lots of trees in the Arbor Day is, to every one, let it be. These seedlings grow up slowly, into the forest, green environment, and make animals have their own homes, makes the relationship between human and animals more closely. I will also donate some money to the environmental protection department, let them contribute to environmental protection. So, the earth will become "the day"!

  If I had money, I will think of children. I will take in the poor mountainous area school. These schools very little tuition, and TV, computer, sports facilities, etc., as much as the school in the city. Let the children learn rich knowledge, here to build a home, make people out of poverty, to happiness. I will also needs for some homeless children, and let them can also be happy to learn, grow, become a pillars just of the motherland.

  If I had money, I would...






  假如我有很多钱英语作文 篇2

  Boys and girls, do you have the habit of saving? If not, the parents will give you money? If you a day without money?

  If I don't have money, I will ask their parents. If the parents really don't want to get the money, I'll start to find a way to. Suddenly a brainwave, thought of a very good way. I immediately make useless books, magazine to the orphanage.

  Orphanage will charge me a book, then I can earn money. Later on, I will take money to home. I will use the money to buy a secondhand shop books. Where the books are on sale, and cheaper than the original price several times! I'm happy to go home, going to sell it to the class.

  After the students and give me the money. That I wouldn't kill two birds with one stone?





  假如我有很多钱英语作文 篇3

  The word "if" is both near and far from us. It is a dream and requires our efforts. If you had money, what would you do? Is it living a luxurious life? If I had money, I would like to do many things.

  If I have money, I will take my grandmother to travel around the world, so that she can understand the differences between Chinese and Western Buddhist cultures, so that she can understand Buddhism more. Then, I will build a small Buddhist hall at home, where Grandma can worship Buddha and chant sutras, and purify her mind and nourish her nature.

  If I have money, I will take my mother to visit South Korea. We will enjoy the boundless blue sea on the cruise ship in South Korea, so that my mother can relax and be romantic, and this will become a common memory of my mother and me.

  If I have money, I will buy a "luxury house", but this "luxury house" is not luxurious, but simple. Because this "luxury house" has been integrated with nature, with plants and animals of all colors. I will raise more pitcher plants, because when tourists come to play, there will be flies and mosquitoes. The pitcher plants can eat them, reduce the harmful insects in "luxury houses", and enable tourists to play here safely and happily.

  If I had money, I would

  Although money is not everything, as long as I study hard and work hard in the future, I firmly believe that one day, money will increase in my "pocket". Then, I can complete my "Money Plan" one by one.

  假如我有很多钱英语作文 篇4

  The Spring Festival is the most eagerly awaited festival for children, because at this time the elders will give red envelopes to the New Year to show that the coming year is safe. My grandparents and mother were the first to give me red envelopes on New Year's Eve. I put them under my pillow and fell asleep with the idea of "if I have money".

  If I had money, I would help those children out of school to finish their studies. Because every time I see their bright eyes, their eyes for learning, and hear the call of love, I will be moved. The compassion and sense of responsibility in my heart made me give up to enjoy the joy brought by money, and insisted on feeling the feeling that love was bathed in the sun and the feeling was blowing in the breeze. I seemed to see children smiling like sunshine in the sound of books and laughing like silver bells in play. At this time, my heart is no longer a simple joy, but a strong sense of happiness.

  If I have money, I will spread green and turn it into notes and sprinkle them on every corner of the earth, so that what comes from the desert is never a sandstorm, but a feeling of fresh wind blowing over the grass. Although this is still some distance from real life, we can start from ourselves: do not litter, pick up garbage when we see it, do not cut trees indiscriminately, harm animals and plants, make Mother Earth younger, make our life more dynamic, and there are vibrant scenes everywhere.

  If I had money, I would make my family live better and improve their living standards. I will buy a big house for my parents. They support and care for each other. When they are tired, they will sit down and watch TV together. When they are tired, they will help each other cook and chat while cooking, making the meal full of fun. On the day off, they went to the park for a walk to relax and relieve the pressure brought by their work this week. As for my grandparents, I will ask them to make an appointment with their good friends, drink tea together, go out and travel around the country by plane, and have a colorful old age. For myself, I don't need any material things. I study hard and strive hard. Because only hard working bees can produce honey, and only by bravely fighting the wind and rain like eagles can their wings be stronger.

  Some people say that money is not everything, but money is not everything, and it is absolutely impossible to have no money. When a person is in distress and in need of help, you and I extend our hands and give him some money to help him through the difficulties, then our life will be better and the society will be more harmonious.

  假如我有很多钱英语作文 篇5

  Whenever I see rich people driving cars back from a distant place, they are very excited. I will be jealous. I asked my mother, "Can I buy a car?" Every time I ask, my mother will only say two words: "No money!" If only I were rich!

  If I were rich, I would buy a Benz car and take my parents to travel outside. Appreciate every corner of the world and feel the fresh air. We will also visit Oriental Pearl TV Tower Tower in Shanghai, Taiwan's Treasure Island, and the Great Wall in Beijing

  Whenever I see people have luxury villas, I pretend to be unconcerned. In fact, I admire them very much. But how can our family compare with them!

  If I were rich, I would buy a luxurious villa to make my family live happily. Then plant some food in the garden, water them every day, and let them grow up quickly.

  Although all this is so far away, I will certainly learn all kinds of knowledge and skills on time, and use my own hands to create this beautiful wish and live a happy life.

  假如我有很多钱英语作文 篇6

  As the saying goes, "Money is not everything, but without money you can never do anything." None of us can live without money. If I have money, I want to do as many things as the stars in the night sky.

  I want to travel around the world and taste all the delicious food in the world. Climbing up the Great Wall and looking at the distant scenery, my mind has already flown to the ancient times. Imagine that the beacon fire is lit and the wolf smoke is lingering, and lament the vicissitudes of time. This is the artistic conception of the Great Wall. In the cherry blossom rain in Japan, you can smell the fragrance of nature and enjoy the natural scenery. The fluttering petals are the representative of pink. Looking up at the crystallization of the frame structure under the Eiffe Tower, I felt for the wisdom of the French people. In the lavender flower sea, you can smell the attractive fragrance and listen to its moving legend. In your eyes, it is purple except purple. While chewing raw fish sushi, there was Korean cuisine on the table. The wine glass next to it was filled with red French wine. West Lake vinegar fish and Dongpo meat even appeared on the table. And it is I who have money who enjoy this cross century meal.

  When the tour around the world is over and I have tasted enough food, I will buy a country villa for my parents to live in, so that they can spend their old age at ease.

  Although my family name is Lei, I am not as great as Lei Feng, but I will not be without love. I will donate some money to Project Hope. Because every time I see on TV, when people my age are different from my life, my heart hurts like a knife. I hope the money donated can help them.

  If I have money, I will make good arrangements instead of spending time and wine.

  假如我有很多钱英语作文 篇7

  "Hum, isn't it just a group of rich people? What's the big deal? When I have money in the future, I will open a company many times bigger than you don't know." This is my 101st interview, but no matter how hard I tried to introduce myself to others, I still failed.

  I'm just an ordinary student graduated from an ordinary university, but it seems that everything about me is too ordinary: ordinary appearance and ordinary family circumstances. Therefore, any company I look up to doesn't look up to me, and I don't look up to my company. My girlfriend left me long ago because she thought I was useless. Now she is still single in nearly 30 years, and has become a veritable "gnawing old people" at home.

  Gradually, I fell in love with lottery. I hope I can become rich overnight. On this day, I held the lottery ticket tightly in my hands as usual, and my eyes followed the computer without moving. Suddenly, a string of figures came into my sight. I couldn't believe it. I actually won the lottery. I jumped out of bed happily, dressed up like a robber, and ran to receive the prize. All the way, I shouted happily: "I have money! I have money!" All the way, everyone looked at me as if I was watching a psychopath. Finally, I got my bonus back safely. It's time to start my entrepreneurial career. I believe that with this money, I will be the youngest and richest entrepreneur in A City.

  But one day, it seemed that even a restaurant would not hire me as a dishwasher. I was so angry that I decided to change my clothes first, so I spent a lot of money to buy a famous brand and a famous car. When I walked into those companies again, even the attitude of the security guard was many times better. Feeling their envious eyes, I felt a little proud and seemed to like this feeling.

  After changing a famous brand, it seems that it is easier to find a job. It didn't take long to find it. Although there is no company, it is a great progress to have a job. I comforted myself in my heart. Gradually I seem to like the life of rich people. Hey, it's good to have money. But the ideal in my heart has long been unknown to me.

  But the good times didn't last long. Before long, I squandered so much of my bonus that I became an ordinary person again. I also sold famous brands and cars, so I had to wear cheap sweaters and ride a shabby bike. The company dismissed me because of my low level of business. In order to solve the problem of food and clothing, I had to work in a company that looked up to me but I didn't.

  Maybe I used to have money, but I didn't know how to seize the opportunity. I missed the opportunity and only knew how to enjoy it. Only the money I earned after making real efforts and learning how to use it are real money.

  假如我有很多钱英语作文 篇8

  If I have money, I will give them to the people who need them most.

  Seeing the helpless eyes of the out of school children my age in the disaster area; A bunch of learning eyes; The repeated calls for love softened my heart. A sense of sympathy and responsibility made me give up the enjoyment of beauty and go to bathe in the sunshine of love to accept the baptism of love. Let out of school children return to school.

  If I had money, I would turn it into green money and spread it all over the country.

  How harmful it is to see sandstorms give people body shape again and again! I will play the green notes; It will spread the expression of green, let the loess dust be covered by the beautiful sound of green, and make the earth mother younger.

  If I had money, I would let the light of technology shine brighter and farther.

  When Shenzhou VI manned spaceship soars in the sky, everyone will be touched! China has made progress! China is very strong! Computers, CDs and home theaters have become popular in all families. Ten years later, 20 years later, China's science and technology will become an invisible whole and make contributions to mankind.

  If I had money

  If you want to become rich, you must work hard, study hard, work hard, move towards your ideal, approach your success, and let the sun rise for us tomorrow.

  With the money I have, I will use it to contribute to the earth, so that the earth can better benefit mankind.



if i have a lot of money如果我有很多钱英语作文05-20






