
时间:2023-10-09 17:20:57 节日类英语作文 我要投稿




万圣节英语作文 篇1

  ghosts and goblins are more than halloween decorations or costumes for many americans who confessed they believe in the supernatural and returning from the grave。

  thirty—seven percent of 2,100 adults questioned in a zogby interactive poll said they think ghosts are real, and 23 percent believe they have been visited by a deceased relative or friend。

  even the 22 percent who said they have not had any ghostly experiences themselves know someone who has。

  "more than a third of americans have this belief that ghosts do exist," said a spokesman for zogby, adding that the findings were surprising。

  nearly half of those questioned said if they could be a ghost, they would choose to come back as themselves。

  but belief in the supernatural is not required to enjoy halloween。 eighty—seven percent of parents said their children would be dressing up for the holiday and 71 percent would be trick—or—treating。

  but 41 percent of adults said they were not celebrating halloween, including 12 percent who cited religious reasons。

  serial killers were deemed to be the scariest costumes, followed by the walking dead and zombies。

万圣节英语作文 篇2

  reation directors help plan the party, but the young people themselves take charge of the entertainment and the decorations — a necessary part of halloween. dried corn stalks, pumpkin faces, and piles of apples create the harvest atmosphere; and cutouts of witches on their brooms, goblins, ghosts and black cats symbolize the witchcraft aspect of the holiday. the freshments — apple cider, popcorn and pumpkin pie, and witches made of spicy ginger cookies — also carry out both themes.

  there is an occasional adult halloween dance in a bright orange and black setting, with paper-made black cats, witches and grinning skeletons floating above the dance floor. but halloween has become mainly a young people‘s holiday — and the younger the child the more exciting he finds it.






万圣节英语作文 篇3

  On October 31st, dozens of children dressed in costumes(节日服装)knock on their neighbors’ doors and yell "Trick or Treat" when the door opens. Pirates and princesses, ghosts and popular heroes of the day all hold bags open to catch the candy or other goodies that the neighbors drop in. As they give each child a treat the neighbors exclaim over the costumes and try to guess who is under the masks.

  Since the 800’s November 1st is a religious holiday known as All Saints’ Day(万圣节). The Mass that was said on this day was called Allhallowmas. The evening before became known as All Hakkiw e’en, or Halloween. Like some other American celebrations, its origins lie in both pre-Christian and Christian customs.

  October 31 st was the eve of the Celtic(凯尔特人的)new year. The Celts were the ancestors of the present-day Irish, Welsh and Scottish people. On this day ghosts walked and mingled with the living, or so the Celts thought. The townspeople baked food all that day and when night fell they dressed up and tried to resemble the souls of the dead. Hoping that the ghosts would leave peacefully before midnight of the new year.

  Much later, when Christianity spread throughout Ireland and October 31 was no longer the last day of the year, Halloween became a celebration mostly for children. "Ghosts" went from door to door asking for treats, or else a trick would be played on the owners of the house. When millions of Irish people immigrated to the United States in the 1840s the tradition came with them.

  Today’ school dances and neighborhood parties called "block parties" are popular among young and old alike. More and more adults celebrate Halloween. They dress up like historical or political figures and goto masquerade parties(化妆舞会). In larger cities, costumed children and their parents gather at shopping malls early in the evening. Stores and businesses give parties with games and treats for the children.

  Teenagers enjoy costume dances at their schools and the more outrageous the costume the better!

  Certain pranks(恶作剧)such as soaping car windows and tipping over garbage cans are expected. But partying and pranks are not the only things that Halloweeners enjoy doing. Some collect money to buy food and medicine for needy children around the world.

万圣节英语作文 篇4

  Halloween is for the "All Hallow's Evening". However, due to various reasons, Halloween has become the year's most popular and one of the most popular festivals, and many players with great enthusiasm to celebrate this holiday.

  Halloween in the October 31, in fact, praise and autumn festivals like Beltane is the festival of spring like the praise. Halloween witches and ghosts everywhere to say is just the beginning. So far in Europe, there are some isolated areas where people believe it is true. Ancient Rome in November 1 there is also a holiday, which is used to pay tribute to their goddess of Bo Mona. They bear ribs roasted nuts and apples before the bonfire. Our own Halloween seems to be a holiday by the Romans and the druid's holiday blend made of. Halloween activities in the original is very simple, and mostly in the church carried out. However, in the whole of Europe, it is regarded as a Halloween enjoy slapstick, Jiangguigushi and a good opportunity to scare each other. So people will no longer be used to praise this Autumn Festival, but it becomes supernatural, witches and ghosts festival.



万圣节英语作文 篇5

  when we think of halloween, we think of "trick or treat", pumpkins, jack o' lanterns, vampires and haunted houses. but do you know the origin of halloween? why does it fall on 31 october? what kind of festival is it? why is it so creepy?

  halloween dates back to a celtic festival called samhain. november 1 is the new year of the celts, who lived in europe more than a thousand years ago. this is the day which marked the end of summer and harvest. the celts believed that on the night of october 31, ghosts of the dead would return to earth. the celts celebrated samhain by dressing up in costumes with animal heads and having bonfires. many celts settled in britain and ireland, where the festival became popular. those who moved to america took the tradition with them.

  nowadays, most people celebrate halloween but only for fun. they are not worried about ghosts. kids in america will dress up as devils or angels and will go from house to house calling "trick or treat", playing mischievous tricks and getting sweets. americans spend more money on halloween than christmas! in xx, more than hk$45 billion was spent on halloween. and hk$15 billion of that was spent on candy alone!!!

  kids in britain also dress up at halloween. they visit houses, sing songs or tell a joke to get sweets. many go to halloween parties and play games like "ducking for apples". you must pick up an apple in water but you can only use your mouth. try it!

万圣节英语作文 篇6




  既然说到挨家讨糖吃,接下来我们就玩了“Trick or treat(不给糖就捣蛋)”的游戏。我提了一盏南瓜灯敲了敲门,笑嘻嘻地说:“Trick or treat”,然后走进门,老师就给我了两颗糖。耶!太容易了!












