
时间:2024-05-02 07:03:04 清明节 我要投稿





  When the Tomb Sweeping Day comes, every family goes to the graves of the dead, and the state has set holidays for this. Originally, I wanted to go to my grandfather's grave, but my mother said I couldn't go to the grave under the age of 12, so I'm sorry I didn't experience it personally. Now let me interview my uncle to see how he went to my grandfather's grave.

  In the morning, uncle got up at 5:30 and was going to go to the grave. Because I heard that this year is the year of leap month, it is time to add the earth to the grave, and it is better to get out before the sun comes out. So the uncle takes the shovel, carries the paper money, and also has several kinds of vegetables, incense, cigarettes, wine and fireworks that the grandmother nibbled. About 10 minutes to the cemetery. He first went to the northeast corner of the cemetery to worship the Beidou. It is said that it is the God of the earth and will keep the whole family safe. Then, after the gun rang, I went to Grandpa's grave. When I heard this, I asked my uncle, "why do I have to ring the gun?" Uncle replied, "that's to remind your grandpa that uncle has brought him food." He offered small dishes in front of the grave, lit three incense sticks and ed them in the soil. Then he took out all the paper money and cigarettes and burned them with fire. His uncle said, "only when all the paper money is burned, grandpa can use it in another world." Then he sprinkled the wine in front of the grave. This is the whole process of his going to the grave.

  Adults are very filial to the elderly. They go to the cemetery to show filial piety on Qingming Festival. I think: this must be the love returned by adults to the elderly. Therefore, we should also seriously study how to return love to our parents. This is: "whoever speaks with an inch of grass heart will get three Chunhui".


  Today, we went to the cemetery to sweep the grave of my grandmother who has died for many years.

  At seven o'clock in the morning, our family had prepared the sacrifice early and walked to grandma's cemetery in my uncle's car. About half an hour or so, we came to Diao Fangyang's nest in Xingning. After getting out of the car, I turned over a high mountain and walked through a forest towards grandma's cemetery. Finally, I came to grandma's grave. I saw that the grave was covered with tall weeds. Dad picked up a hoe to hoe the grass. Although he was very tired, dad still insisted. It can be seen how much dad cares about his dead grandmother! After hoeing the grass, we put candles, set fruit plates, burn paper money and set off firecrackers

  When I had not recovered from the sound of firecrackers, my father put his hand on my shoulder and said; "Yuhao, come and talk to Grandma about your wishes." I went to the tomb, knelt down on my knees, put my hands together, and said with tears in my eyes; "Grandma, although you have died for many years, we still care about you and recall the happy time we spent together. You are like the same height as the mountain, the same flow as the water and the same size as the sky. Grandma, your spirit in heaven, please bless our family happiness! Rest in peace!" I wiped away my tears with a paper towel, then put a bunch of flowers on Grandma's grave and left reluctantly

  Looking at the lush trees, free birds, all kinds of white clouds and colorful wild flowers dotted in the green grass, I gently took a breath of fresh air and seemed to enter another world.

  I will remember this beautiful Qingming Festival forever!


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession. Pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. I ask where the restaurant is. The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." Whenever I think of this poem by Du Mu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, I think that it seems that the Qingming Festival is coming, and the pace of Qingming is not far away

  It's about 8 o'clock today. My mother and grandpa set out from home. On the way, I kept thinking about the past. It seemed that I had never seen grandma's kind appearance, and there were no deeds related to grandma in my mind. What does she look like? Treat me well... A series of questions suddenly came to my mind. I asked my mother, "Mom, have I seen grandma? How about treating me?" Mother reluctantly said: "to tell you the truth, she is kind to you. You made a mistake, and she has been protecting you..."

  After dozens of minutes of car bumps, we finally came to grandma's grave. We cleared the weeds in front of the tomb, dredged the drainage ditch on the side, put offerings, lit incense and candles, and burned the folded paper money into ashes to worship our loved ones, so as to place our thoughts on our dead loved ones. After we finished the etiquette of the Chinese nation, my uncle took out firecrackers and "crackled". The sound was deafening, just like thunder in the sky. I silently made a wish in front of the grave "I hope grandma can bless me to study smart, study and make progress, make my family happy and healthy".

  In the smoky mountains, we walked back on the muddy path. The grave sweepers who help the old and the young on the road, or in groups, or one or two walking alone, are worthy of being a traditional festival of our Chinese hair nationality. It is so meaningful.









