
时间:2024-06-20 08:20:05 趣事 我要投稿





  The most interesting thing during winter vacation is playing table tennis with my dad.

  Every day, I walk with my dad to the third district table tennis court in Xialupu to compete with him in table tennis, so my playing skills have improved a lot. Today is another game, and my dad said it's a three ball system. I nodded and then started my performance.

  The first game is when I serve first. I threw the ball up, and my dad thought I could serve a topspin, but I turned the racket and served an topspin. Dad couldn't catch it in time, so he pushed the racket forward and the ball flew out of bounds. The second one I served the same way, and my dad clearly guessed the way I served. He quickly caught the ball and pulled it up. The ball disappeared without a trace and was tied. In the third game, I served the spin ball directly, and my serve was very powerful, with a very low dunk, which can be said to be a divine speed. Before Dad could react, the ball bounced out. I finally won a game against my dad. The uncles, aunts, and children next to me applauded, and I suddenly felt very strong.

  Dad said, this time I defeated him with my intelligence and skills. I want to think with my brain and work hard with my heart no matter what I do, and the goal is waiting for me not far away.


  One day during winter vacation, my mother asked me to play in the garden of the community. It's really cold, all the leaves on the trees have fallen off. The community is extremely quiet, and adults are busy at home with the Spring Festival. I only saw two little brothers playing on the ice surface of the pond. It's so fun to sneak east and west. It makes my heart itch. I thought it wouldn't happen for some reason, but things weren't as I imagined.      I have never played on ice before, so I am very scared and don't know where it is deep or shallow on the ice. I saw my feet jumping on the ice, and seeing nothing happened, my courage grew stronger. I wandered around, haha... I was extremely happy. Just as I was ecstatic, I only heard a splash, the ice broke a big hole, and I immediately fell into the water. Scared and frozen, my face turned blue and white, making the two handsome guys laugh and burst into tears. It really made me angry, so embarrassing.

  This matter is very interesting, but I also understand a truth. Everything that I don't understand or am not familiar with, I need to observe more and use my brain more to avoid such accidents.


  Winter vacation has arrived, and I went with my mother to play at my grandmother's house, wanting to do some interesting things.

  Coincidentally, there happened to be a heavy snowfall that day, and I was very happy in my heart. I thought to myself, "When the snow thickens, I can make a snowman.". I patiently waited for a while, and the snow really thickened. I happily put on gloves, held a small shovel, and went outside to build a snowman. First, I swept the snow together, squeezed it into a circle, and then squeezed a small snowball, rolling it on the ground. The snowball rolled bigger and bigger, and it was ready to roll. I pressed it onto the snowman's body, and the whole snowman was ready. Then, I brought some coal blocks and placed them on the snowman's head and body, In this way, the snowman's eyes and buttons on his clothes were done, and I painted his nose and mouth, which was done. However, I still felt that there was always something wrong with it. "Oh, I forgot, the snowman's hat hasn't been worn yet!" So, I brought a small paper box and placed it on the snowman's head. This way, the snowman's hat was done. I looked at the snowman and smiled happily.


  At the beginning of winter vacation, my parents and I boarded a plane together and started a happy trip to Sanya.

  When I arrived at the hotel, I couldn't wait to run towards the beach. When I arrived at the beach, I saw, wow! Haiyuan is so spectacular, with endless views and a sea of azure blue. Under the sunlight, the sea surface shimmers, making people feel relaxed and happy. We were building sand castles and digging sand pits on the beach, not tired at all, but a big wave came and flattened the sand castles I had built. But after my multiple renovations, the sandbox can finally withstand the beating of the waves. Then, my dad and I put on our swim trunks and walked into the sea to start swimming. At first, I was a bit overwhelmed, but with my dad's guidance, I was gradually able to swim. We had a great time swimming.

  We rented another hotel bike for three people to tour Yalong Bay. The scenery along the way was beautiful, with mountains, coconut trees, green farmland, colorful flowers, and fresh air. We were captivated by the picturesque scenery.

  Beautiful Sanya! The magnificent sea! An unforgettable island trip! I look forward to coming here again next time!


  In the blink of an eye, winter vacation is about to pass, but there are still some interesting things worth remembering.

  My cousin's birthday happens to be during winter vacation. On my birthday, there will definitely be a party. This party is only attended by my mother, me, cousin, younger brother, and two little cousins. On the morning of my cousin's birthday, we were all busy decorating the house.

  At noon, the party started. My aunt ed a candle into the cake and lit it. After my cousin blew out the candle and made a wish, we sang her birthday song. After singing, my uncle suggested holding a cake eating competition. The rule is: everyone eats cake of the same size, and whoever finishes the cake first is the winner. My cousin and I saw that we couldn't take advantage of this competition, so we became referees. I naturally handed over the skill of cutting cakes. Three times five divided by two, the cake has been cut, and each contestant has one piece. Of course, there are also two pieces for me and my cousin. My cousin gave a command to "start!" Everyone wolfed down. In the end, my uncle won, and looking at them all with cream on their faces. My cousin and I announced that my uncle won. In the afternoon, we played for a long time again.

  This birthday party is really fun!










