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  竞争与合作英语作文 篇1

  when it comes to competition and cooperation, some people always emphasize competition but neglect cooperation.

  their reasons run as following: to begin with, they believe only competition can help them defeat their counterparts; in addition, they think competition is the only way to lead to success.

  but some others hold different opinion. they think cooperation is as important as competition. they base their opinion on the following reasons: on one hand, cooperation can build trust between each other and help to bring long-term relationship; on another hand, cooperation can turn a small and weak business into a big and strong one.

  from what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that both competition and cooperation are essential to success and thus should be emphasized at the same time.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇2

  Competition is a common phenomenon in our social life. We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. We can say that, in a certain sense, competition is one of the motive forces of the development of the society.

  We often find competition and cooperation at the same time. Think of a football game. During the game, one team is competing against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. Otherwise, they would lose the game however skilled every individual player might be.

  While advocating competition, we must not forget cooperation. In modern society, cooperation is especially necessary because except for a few craftsmen and artists, most work is fulfilled with and through other people. In many cases, we can not achieve anything if there are only competition and no cooperation.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇3

  Competition is a common phenomenon in our society. We compete when we play games, we compete in our study, and we constantly compete for jobs, customers and profit, etc. We can say that competition is one of the motives of the development of society.

  But we often find competition and cooperation go hand in hand. In a football game, one team is competing with the other. But each member of the team is cooperating with his teammates. In most cases, we can't compete without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

  While we are advocating competition, we can't forget cooperation. Nothing can be carried to an extreme. Pure and exclusive competition leads to failure. Only when competition combines with cooperation can it help in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇4

  Competition is common in every field of life. for eample, the olympic games is the most famous competition in the world. In the four hundred meter swimming race, the swimmers plunge into the water at the signal. each swings his or her arms and legs and tries his or her best to be the first. also there is the competition for jobs, for promotion, for customers, and so on. we can say, in a certain sense, competition stimulates peoples interest in work and helps society to go forword.

  We often find that competition goes hand in trend with cooperation. take, for eample, a volley ball match. The members of the team cooperate with each other. One serves the ball, then another passes the ball to a certain height for a still other to hit it over the net while the other members try to block it on its return. it requires good tearn work to win the game.

  While we advocate competition, we cannot forget cooperation. human beings are social beings. No one can eist alone in the society. If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others. You cannot play single-handed and win. You have to cooperate with your playmates, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top.From cooperation we get mutual help and understanding.With cooperation the world is progressing at peace and in harmony.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇5

  It is generally received that the importance of competition and cooperation cannot be overemphasized too much. Competition is common in every field of life while it stimulates people's interest in work and helps society to go forward. As competition goes hand in hand with cooperation, cooperation not only lets us get help and understanding, but also makes the world being progress at peace and in harmony. I am convinced that both competition and cooperation are significant and we are supposed to combine them well. There are three justifications to support my argument.

  First of all, competition plays an important role in our life. Darwin came up with the natural selection and competition is universal. "Whether the competition for jobs or for promotion, the competition encourages us to go forward and try our best to build a more advanced society. Furthermore, cooperation is an inseparable part of the livelihood. No one can exist alone in the society. Only by the way that we have teamwork with other can we achieve the greater success. Last but not least, we should combine competition and cooperation. There is no doubt that neither competition or cooperation can separate each other. Some examples can make this point clearer. Take the basketball match for example for example. The members of the team cooperate with their teammates to shoot at the basket while them compete with the other team. After considering the matches, we can take the history of mankind into consideration; the history of mankind is a history of coexistence of competition and cooperation.

  From what has been mentioned above, we can draw the conclusion that both competition and cooperation are of great importance, and it is wise for us to combine them. As college students, we ought to arouse our awareness of competition and cooperation.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇6

  In modern society, there is an eternal topic, that competition and cooperation, one can't live independently in the society, the competition and cooperation between people is the survival and development of our society. Tree length, water QingZhuo, sentient beings busy Yu Daqian world, they are inseparable from the competition and cooperation.

  So-called competition is two or more individuals or groups, in an activity naturally each other's behavior, also is the two sides compete for a goal, and only one party can win, and the cooperation is two or more individuals or groups, to achieve common goals in an activity the behavior of the joint cooperation, both sides have a consistent purpose, and the two sides Shared the results.

  For competition, you must present won't feel strange, without the competition of examination, we would not be standing here, to make a quarrel, however, the lack of cooperation, "north-south dialogue" "south-south cooperation" will become empty talk; The lack of cooperation, the establishment of the international space station will be nothing; The lack of cooperation, we will today still live in the shadow of the "SARS", in the midst of bird flu.

  But the competition and cooperation is not the opposite, some students are too opened, and they share some talk about competition not only talk about cooperation. When someone asked him a question, also don't go back to jilt a "don't know," think of other people's problems solved is to develop a rival, against their competition, so the person is selfish, will eventually be eliminated by the society, others think that the competition is not necessary, only pay attention to cooperation, which leads to the status quo, no enterprise miserable state, when he was a comfort in doing a dream, the world has forgotten them. So, the above two practices are not correct. We should put the competition and cooperation are equally important position, let them make, for me to use, to reach a higher level.

  If compare life to a scene, the competition is the audience pairs of discerning eyes, and cooperation is a friend with you. The classmates, let us treat competition and cooperation correctly, produce the most gorgeous flowers.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇7

  Competition is a very mon phenomenon in our social life today. We pete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study and there is constant petition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. We can say, to some extent, petition is one of the motive force of the development of society.

  We often find petition and cooperation occurring at the same time. Think of a basketball game. During the game, one team is peting against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. In most cases, we can’t pete without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

  While advocating petition, we can’t forget cooperation. In modern society, cooperation is especially important because most work is fulfilled with and through other people. So we must bine petition with cooperation to obtain our goals.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇8

  In nowadays, it is quite common that we compete with each other for various competitions. However, it is also essential for people to cooperate with each other for we are members of society. When confront with cooperation and competition, people seems to have a difficult time in choosing them. Some people tend to compete with each other for they believe they can win rewards by defeating others. Some hold that we should cooperate with each other. Some think that we should not only cooperate with others but we should compete with others as well. In my opinion, I think that competing is more important for us. Reasons are listed below.

  First of all, competing is more important than cooperation in our society. In school, we compete with others by doing better in our study. When we are looking for jobs, we compete with others applying for the same position. When we go to a competition, we fight with others for rewards or fame.

  Secondly, we can be stronger by competing. If we want to win others, then we have to be stronger than others. Thus, we have to improve ourselves constantly. Consequently, our skills will be enhanced and we will get more experience to avoid failure.

  In conclusion, competition plays an important role in our society as well as we can become stronger.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇9

  Modern society is a society full of competition, also called for cooperation society, deal with the relationship between competition and cooperation can be based on the society. Competition is the purpose of cooperation, cooperation is the foundation of the competition.

  Consciousness is our cooperation to become so big, we only rely on the collective strength, reached the pinnacle of his success. Make oneself have the power of competition, and the final victory.

  As we are in grade 3, examination of important tasks in front of us is, we've been there is competition and cooperation between classmates, if we ourselves have no confidence, so we can't compete with other opponents on the learning, strive for the ideal result, so we are learning on hand will be so far, our study is not only just want to have the ideal result, and in order to succeed, don't want to communicate with other students in the study, they don't want to tell their own knowledge, it can be stated is don't want to cooperation with each other, is to be a coward, a person who don't want to cooperate with others, even if now the outstanding achievements, in the end after can't so excellent achievements, because of the cooperation in the society is a social state, no one can master all the knowledge.

  Competition and cooperation are inseparable from each other, if there is no competition, cooperation will only make both sides, both sides co-operation not competition, society will not move forward.

  Competition and cooperation is a part of, only common development, we human beings are really development and progress.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇10

  Nowadays, with the development of our society,competition has become more and more fierce.Competition usually comes as an important and necessary part of our society especially economic affairs.

  At first, competition not only urge human in full of creative power, but also increase efficiency. For example, in the plant, the manager will through enact plant to urge staff production faster. The second, competition prompt the producer to manufacture the best product and provide quality of service. Likes the competitor of Kentucky Fried Chicken and Mcdonald’s, due to theirespecialrelation, we can enjoy their diversified product and quality service.

  The last, competition was promotesociety further development.If lost completion, our society will lost many vitality, and we can’t get today’s prosperity.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇11

  Chairman Mao once made a famous remark about competition, “To battle with God is great fun! To battle with Earth is great fun! To battle with people is great fun!” His words, although seeming a bit too aggressive, have illustrated that competition is never regarded as something formidable by a brave.

  Competition exists throughout the evolution of nature and everyone’s life. Creatures compete to survive the merciless environment, eliminating weaker ones; Nations in the world compete for resources and power, and whichever fallen behind is beaten. As for individuals, ever since the very first day of our lives, we are forced into a competition with thousands of others around us, including taking examinations, applying jobs and striving for promotion, the results of which definitely determine our fate. Competition is as real a fact as the air around us that can neither be evaded nor be ignored.

  Thus, my dear friends, do not fear competition. Accept it and enjoy it. With competition, you grow stronger, and you gain so much precious experience worth remembering of, regardless of what the outcome would be. Without competition, you cease to grow; you become a dead moth sealed in its own cocoon.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇12

  cooperation can build trust between each other and help to bring long-term relationship; on another hand, cooperation can turn a small and weak business into a big and strong one.

  From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that both competition and cooperation are essential to success and thus should be emphasized at the same time.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇13

  Competition is a very common phenomenon in our social life today. We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. We can say, to some extent, competition is one of the motive force of the development of society.

  We often find competition and cooperation occurring at the same time. Think of a basketball game. During the game, one team is competing against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. In most cases, we can’t compete without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

  While advocating competition, we can’t forget cooperation. In modern society, cooperation is especially important because most work is fulfilled with and through other people. So we must combine competition with cooperation to obtain our goals.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇14

  Competition is common in every field of life. For example, the Olympic Games is the most famous competition in the world. In the four hundred meter swimming race, the swimmers plunge into the water at the signal. Each swings his or her arms and legs and tries his or her best to be the first. Also there is the competition for jobs, for promotion, for customers, and so on. We can say, in a certain sense, competition stimulates people's interest in work and helps society to go forword.

  We often find that competition goes hand in trend with cooperation. Take, for example, a volley ball match. The members of the team cooperate with each other. One serves the ball, Then another passes the ball to a certain height for a still other to hit it over the net while the other members try to block it on its return. It requires good tearn work to win the game.

  While we advocate competition, we cannot forget cooperation. Human beings are social beings. No one can exist alone in the society. If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others. You cannot play single-handed and win. You have to cooperate with your playmates, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top. From cooperation we get mutual help and understanding. With cooperation the world is progressing at peace and in harmony.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇15

  Competition exists objectively. One cannot walk ahead of others all the time. When people fall behind, it is often through thinking, drawing lessons and improving methods that they can achieve further development. Of course, there is not only competition between people, but also cooperation and communication are necessary for life. We should develop friendship in cooperation, learn to communicate in discussions and debates, inspire each other, broaden our vision and broaden our thinking, so as to make common progress. Cooperation and competition are dialectical unity. Cooperation is for better competition.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇16

  Competition is a common phenomenon in our social life. We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, customers, money, and so forth. We can say, to some extent,competition is one of the motive forces of the development of society.

  And we often find competition and cooperation at the same time. Think of a basketball game, each team is competing with the other team. But each member of the team is cooperating with his or her teammates. In most cases, we cant do competition without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

  While we are advocating competition, we cant forget cooperation. Nothing is to be carried to extremes. Pure and exclusive competition leads to failures. Competition together with cooperation help us a great deal in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs, especially in modernizing our country.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇17

  Cooperation and competition are both important and necessary for a person to achieve success in his life.

  In modern times, people are living more and more cooperatively. For example, in a football match, all players on the team must work with joint efforts in order to win the match. Such activities require teamwork. You can see workers doing parts of work individually, but you can hardly see any products finished by only one person. With the rapid development of economy, cooperation is becoming more and more necessary and vital for a person. But competition is also very important in modern society. If you are a businessman and wish customers to buy your products, you have to compete with others. Competition stimulates people to improve their work and makes the world develop rapidly.

  Both competition and cooperation are involved in every field of life and work. Actually, in many activities, both are required. For instance, in learning English, we compete with each other. As a result, we all make great progress. Our study also demands teamwork. We often help each other by pointing out each other’s mistakes and exchanging ideas.

  While we attach importance to competition, we should not neglect cooperation. Only with both competition and cooperation can we achieve success and live in peace and harmony with each other.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇18

  Competition is a common phenomenon in our social life. We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. We can say that, in a certain sense, competition is one of the motive forces of the development of the society.

  We often find competition and cooperation at the same time. Think of a football game. During the game, one team is competing against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇19

  As is vividly depicted in the picture, two disabled men are running fast through teamwork although each of them has only one leg. Obviously, it is teamwork that makes it possible for them to go anywhere they want to.

  Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking. With the development of economy and society, competition is increasingly fierce. It is impossible for anyone to finish a work all by himself. Hence, people in mounting numbers put great emphasis on teamwork. In fact, it has been universally acknowledged that the ability of teamwork is the most essential qualification that anyone who wants to achieve success should possess.

  Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance the sense of teamwork in our society. We should bear in mind that teamwork is of great significance to both our society and ourselves. Every one should have the ability of teamwork. Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇20

  As the saying goes, "one boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, Everybody's business is nobody's business. An ant to move, move can not afford to move, two ants to move, the body sway to and fro, three ant to move, gently carried into the hole." The above two statements have different results. "Three monks" is a team, but they have no water to drink because of mutually making excuses, don't speak cooperation; "three ant to move" can "gently carried into the hole", it is the unity and cooperation of the results.

  There is a good song "unity is strength", and the power of teamwork is endless, once developed the team will create unbelievable miracle. Nowadays, with the advent of knowledge economy, knowledge, technology constantly bring forth the new through the old, the competition is increasingly intense, the increasingly diverse needs of the community, so that people are facing in the work of the study situation and the environment is very complex. In many cases, individual ability alone has been difficult to fully address the various perplexing problems and take effective and efficient action. All of these are people who need to form groups, and require further interdependence between member organizations, interrelated, mutual cooperation, establish cooperative team to solve the problem of perplexing, and coordinate the necessary action, team ability development and continuous innovation, rely on the power of teamwork to create a miracle.

  The team not only emphasizes the individual work, more emphasis on the overall performance of the team. Team relies on not only strengthen the collective discussion and decision making and information sharing and standard, it emphasizes the joint contributions of member, can get real collective achievements, sum of the collective achievements over the individual performance, team more than the sum of its parts. The team is the core of common dedication. Need a to convince everyone to target the common dedication. Only practical and challenging goals, work motivation can motivate the team spirit and dedication, inject inexhaustible energy to work. So the team is a voluntary cooperation to reach the established goal appeared and collaborative effort. All the resources and talents which can motivate team members, and will automatically remove all the disharmony and injustice, and will give those who sincerely, selfless give return. If the team is out of be willing, it will have a powerful and lasting force. The team are often able to inspire unbelievable potential group, the total collective collaboration of the results do tend to be more than individual performance. Is the so-called "Chengyu mountain, together with soil change gold." One group, if well organized, popular feeling drifts, everyone go one's own way, even in "wolidou", where the vitality and the vigor? How about entrepreneurship?

  A lack of cohesion of the environment, people have lofty ideals and high aspirations, and one's ability and cleverness, can not be given full play! Only strict and orderly collective organization and efficient teamwork, unity cooperation to overcome difficulties, or even create a miracle. Streams can only be broken waves, sea rivers can stimulate the tempestuous waves, personal relationship with the team as streams and the sea. Everyone will be their integration into the collective, to give full play to the role of the individual. In short, the team spirit is indispensable to any organisation essence. Otherwise just as lacking spirit of cooperation; a chopstick is easy to bend, ten chopsticks break. This is the team spirit importance intuitive strength of the performance, this is also my understanding of teamwork, team spirit is also important in. The

  Between each other can learn from each other, this is very important, after all, a person's strength is always limited to complement each other so that you can fully reflect the better, more powerful! 中

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇21

  Last week, my English teacher gave us a task, she asked us to form a small group, each group was made up of five students, the groups need to do a research, it is about how much people know about foreign country. In my group, there are three girls and two boys, at first, we did not know what to do, then I suggested our group take the cooperated work.

  As I and the girl are good at writing paper, so the two of us decided to design the questions, and the other three students are so active, so they like to ask people the questions. The research went go so well, we finished it in two days, thanks to the teamwork, we did well on the task. The teacher praised my group, I have learned the importance of cooperation, since then, I will considerate other people’s feelings.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇22

  People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual petition does.

  The speaker asserts that because teamwork requires cooperative effort, people are more motivated and therefore more productive working in teams than working individually as petitors. My view is that this assertion is true only in some cases. If one examines the business world, for example, it bees clear that which approach is more effective in motivating people and in achieving productivity depends on the specific job.

  In some jobs productivity dearly depends on the ability of coworkers to cooperate as members of a team. For businesses involved in the production of products through plex processes, all departments and divisions must work in lock-step fashion toward product roll-out. Cooperative interaction is even essential in jobs performed in relative isolation and in jobs in which technical knowledge or ability, not the ability to work with others, would seem to be most important. For example, scientists, researchers, and even puter programmers must collaborate to establish mon goals, coordinate efforts, and meet time lines. Moreover, the kinds of people attracted to these jobs in the first place are likely to be motivated by a sense of mon purpose rather than by individual ambition.

  In other types of jobs individual petition, tenacity, and ambition are the keys to productivity. For example, a missioned salespersons pensation, and sometimes tenure and potential for promotion as well, is based on parative sales performance of coworkers. Working as petitors a firms individual salespeople maximize productivity-in terms of profit--both for themselves and for their finn. Key leadership positions also call, above all, for a certain tenacity and petitive spirit. A finns founding entrepreneur must maintain this spirit in order for the firm to survive, let alone to maximize productivity. Moreover, in my observation the kinds of people inclined toward entrepreneurship and sales in the first place are those who are petitive by nature, not those who are motivated primarily by a sense of mon purpose.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇23

  From the film “Air Buddy”,I begin to understand what cooperate stands for from the bottom of my heart. I always think I can do everything well by myself befor that,but now I maybe I believe that cooperate will create miracles.

  The summary of the film is that five puppies learned about cooperation and accepeted new master and asmophere hat is their homes by rescuing their parents. In the course of the rescuring,I will never forget the moved the five puppies brouht me .However,nowadays we all human beings cannot but admit that cooperation is important.

  No matter how fast our society develop,I’m greatly convinced that only in this way,we can make greater contributions to our society. After all,it is cooperation that makes our human beings from different country become more closed. Of course I’m sure cooperation is benefited for peace in a way.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇24

  Cooperation - the source of beauty, the pulse of harmony, the root of wonders. Without the spirit of cooperation, one has no soul and success has no pillar.

  The students must come out of the blackboard together, this can be calculated as a model of cooperation! If students don't cooperate, how can they have a nice black sheet? You see, "jingling bell... When the bell rang, the students went out to play with only a few of our hard-won designs. School is over. My classmates went home and I wasn't there. These are all superfluous and the important thing is that we have the spirit of cooperation, if we don't cooperate the blackboard report will be finished on time?

  There is also a small story that can be said about the importance of cooperation. You must have heard the story of "fishing rod and fish basket". The two young men went out, for they were lost, and the farther they went, the chance to save them, but the two of them starved to death. A few years later two people like them also met the old man. Because of their sincere cooperation and success!

  Therefore, the successful cooperation should not only have a unified goal, but also try to do well in the division of things, to think of others, to think about the collective, to have the spirit of self-sacrifice!

  Students, modern society is a competitive society, but it is also a more cooperative society. Only learn to cooperate with others to achieve greater success!!

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇25

  I was used to do things by my own, because I did not like to cooperate with other person, for I thought it was so easy and quick for me to finish the job. But since I went to high school, I thought I could not do things on my own any more, I needed someone else’s help. Take the biology homework for example. The teacher asked us to do some researches and then handed in the conclusion in the next class. It took me some time to finish the research, what’s more, I did not have enough time to do all the researches, so if I cooperated with other students, we could share our researches and then made the overall conclusion. It not only saved my time, but also helped me to promote the communication with my classmate. Cooperation has the great power.

  竞争与合作英语作文 篇26

  I am the only child in my family, so I get used to doing things by myself. Since I go to school, my teacher always gives us the homework, the problem is that we must finish in a group. At first, I was refused, because I knew I could do it by my own. But my teacher insisted, so I had to work with my group members. I started to find that I got many ideas from my group members and I felt so happy to work with them. Now I realize that teamwork is really good, it not only relieves my pressure, but also brings me happiness. The power of teamwork is infinite.









