英语一年级上《What can you do》教案

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英语一年级上《What can you do》教案


英语一年级上《What can you do》教案

  B. Let’s learn Let’s chant C. Let’s sing


  a.能听、说、读、写动词词组:wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed and do the dishes.

  b.能听、说、认读词组“put away the clothes” and sentence “ can you do housework? Yes, I can.”

  c.能够说唱let’s chant, 巩固所学词组。




  掌握四个四会动词词组,pay attention the pronunciation and spelling about the word “ clothes”。





  Step1: Preparation

  1. Free talk:

  T: Are you helpful at home? S:…

  T: What can you do at home? S:…

  2.Let’s chant.

  chant in page 44

  Step2: Presentation

  1. 单词导呈。

  a. chant结束时问,boys and girls, what can you do?

  S1: I can …。.

  T: Can you wash the clothes? Yes or no?

  领读:clothes, wash the clothes. I can wash the clothes.

  Look at the picture, this is a little boy, let’s ask him together, “ can you wash the clothes?” 多媒体呈现课件读音:Yes, I can. I can wash the clothes. 教师同时领读。

  T: Boys and girls, can you wash the clothes? Ss: Yes, I can . I can wash the clothes. Talk in pairs.

  b. Look at the picture, what can he do? Who can ask him? “what can you do?” “ do the dishes, I can do the dishes.”出示卡片、板书并领读。

  c. T: I do, you say. Do the action, ( set the table)

  T: Can you set the table? Ask the students.

  Yes, I can , I can set the table. Set the table( 边说边做动作)ask your best friend, can you set the table? Ask me please! Ss: can you set the table, Miss Zhao.

  d. I only tell one student, “Yes, I can. I can do the dishes, too.” (耳语) tell the sentences to you friend.

  Yes, I can do the dishes, too. Can you do the dishes?

  e. I can do many housework, I can wash the clothes, I can set the table, I can do the dishes, I can make the bed, too. Who can make the bed? S1: …… s2…。.s3…。. I can make the bed.

  Now, let’s play a game, ok? Listen and do?

  I say, you do, for example. Wash the clothes.

  T: wash the clothes, wash the clothes and do the dishes, wash the clothes, do the dishes and set the table, wash the clothes, do the dishes, set the table and make the bed, wash the clothes, do the dishes, set the table, make the bed, and put away the clothes,(教师做动作)

  Put away the clothes.

  All of these are housework, can you do housework?

  Yes, I can , I can wash the clothes…。. T: Great! You’re helpful.

  2. 听读正音。

  老师播放Let’s learn 部分录音,学生看课本跟读,同时手指词组及句子。

  3. 合作学习。


  Step3: Practice

  1. I can do some housework too, can you guess, what can I do?

  (出示转盘)将学生分成四组,you can …。.




  5. Let’s chant. 老师播放P7 Let’s chant 录音,学生先听。在跟读。可分组拍手对答吟唱。

  Step4: Production

  教师提出要求,请用上Can you…? 的句型采访本组的同学,并将结果记录在表格上。





  Step5: Progress


  1. 听录音,读Let’s learn 内容。


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