
时间:2021-04-20 12:58:14 英语教案 我要投稿




  1. 能够听说认读部分的短文。

  2. 理解并完成文后的课文练习。



  2.教学难点是认读一些新语言,如 We read funn tngue t

  Step1 Preparatin

  T: Bs and girls ,let’s begin ur class, ? First, let’s d se actins, stand up, fllw e, please.

  Pla—plaed clean—cleaned wal—waled up—uped

  g—went d—did read—read swi—swa fl—flew


  T: ust nw, we did se actins, d u still reeber what we did d ust nw?

  Ss: We studied English and we read tngue twisters .

  T: es, we studied English . 师出示词卡 stud—studied教读并采用高、中、低声音操练。

  T:ust nw, we studied English and we read funn tngue twisters tgether. 师边说边出示词卡tngue twisters 进行教读,小组操练。然后出示整个句子:we read funn tngue twisters tgether.进行教读,个人开火车读。

  〈设计意图:通过创设情境,激发学生的学习兴趣。在教读的过程中,将twister替换成sister,帮助学生降低学习的难度,并再次和学生一起将课前读的tngue twisters 加动作再读一遍,加深理解。〉

  Step: In—reading

  (1) General reading:

  T:Bs and girls , u nw last weeend, it was sunn. I went t Xishan par and I flew ite with  daughter. What did u d last weeend?

  Ss: I visited  grandparents ead a b…

  T: Ww! u did a gd tie last weeend . What abut ur friend Zhang Peng? Open ur bs and turn t page 33, read the first passage quicl, then answer the questins:

  1. Hw did Zhang Peng g t Mie’s he in the rning?

  2. What did the d ?

  (2) Detail reading :

  T: Zhang Peng was ver happ. And where did he g? What did he d? Read the secnd passage carefull, chse the right answer.

  Where did Zhang Peng g? He went t ____b bie.

  A a par B Mie’s he C in the rning

  2. What did Zhang Peng d in the par? He_____.

  A studied English B wind C flew ites

  3. The ite _____ the lae.

  A flew int B went t C fun

  在学生回答第三个问题的时候引出教授Suddenl the ite flew int the lae.

  T:Read the third passage and answer the questins:

  1. Wh gt the ite?

  2. What did the dg d at last(最后)?

  T: Nw, bs and girls, suppse u are Zhang Peng, hw d u feel?

  Ss: I a ver happi a excited……

  T: 师顺势导出:suppse I was Zhang Peng, I was ver grateful t hi.教读操练。

  T: Befre ur class , ur English teacher helped e t chse the students, s I was ver grateful t her. 教读.

  T: In ur life, we ften eet different difficulties, s we shuld helped each ther and start fr e. (渗透思想教育)

  All f ne, ne f all.


  T: This tie, please read the text carefull and finished the exercises n u bs.


  (3) Listen and repeat.

  (4) Chant:


  Zhang and Mie

  went t a par,

  The flew the ite

  near the lae,

  Suddenl the ite

  flew int the lae,

  The dg gt the ite,

  And returned it t Mie.

  Step4: Pst reading

  1.T: Fill in the blans, and retell the text(复述课文):

  Tda was a fun da. Zhang Peng ________t Mie’s he. He studied English and _____________________tgether.

  He went t a ________b ________. He flew ites. Suddenl the ite ______________the lae. A dg saw the ite. He ____________the lae and ________________t e. I was ver grateful t hi.


  2.T: bs and girls, we nw Zhang Peng had a fun da, d u have a fun da , happ da r bus da befre?

  Ss: es.

  T: I’ll shw u a diar abut  students:

  Tda was a bus da. We had Chinese, ath and English class in the rning. In the afternn, we cleaned the classr, cleaned the bard and watered the trees. we were tired.

  March 18th, 2011, Tuesda Sunn

  Tda was a bus da. We had Chinese, ath and English class in the rning. In the afternn, we cleaned the classr, cleaned the bard and watered the trees. we were tired.


  T: bs and girls ,please tae ut this paper and write a diar abut ur da.(生展示)


  Step5: Prgress:

  1. Listen and repeat the text.

  2. Tr t write sething abut ur da r ur weeends.


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