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  英语四级作文预:道德教育 篇1

  In the current world, college students become morally more tolerant to the phenomena such as exam—cheating, academic dishonesty and default on loans. In this case, it’ s urgently important that we conduct moral education in college.

  Moral education is beneficial in the following aspects. To begin with, it makes us aware of our personal responsibility. We must comply with social moral standards and learn to behave and conduct ourselves in society. Secondly, moral education teaches us to shun evil and do good, turning the uncivilized to the civilized. Thirdly, with higher moral standards, we will be more considerate towards others and avoid quarrels or conflicts, which contributes to maintaining a harmonious society.

  As for how to conduct moral education in college, on one hand, theoretical moral education should be integrated into all aspects of campus life, including classroom teaching and extracurricular activities. On the other hand, we should encourage students to take part in moral practices such as volunteer activities. Through these measures, they will know better about the meaning of life and shoulder their social responsibilities.

  英语四级作文预:道德教育 篇2

  Traditional morality has instrumentality and method, discuss traditional morality education. The traditional morality has such instrumentality and method. For example, "loyal emperor" was once a moral category in feudal society. Among them, "Zhong" is the tool, and "Jun" is the noumenon. Now we can completely separate the two, remove their noumatics, and use their tools to form a new moral category of "loyalty to the motherland" and "loyalty to the people". The so-called "marry a chicken with a chicken, marry a dog with a dog", such instrumental, methodological things can be "remarried". Traditional morality can be completely stripped of this method and noumenon, using the past for the present and bringing forth the new, so that it can be combined with and serve the new socialist economic foundation and ideology.

  The traditional moral concept has the parsimony in the expression and the explanation has the flexibility, the education paper "on the traditional moral education". Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, faith, concise and clear, each can be in accordance with their own understanding to do a big article. It's a rich simplicity.

  This feature is also conducive to our use, easy to peel and processing.

  Secondly, after more than forty years of socialist revolution and construction, those feudal backward moral concepts can not be said to have disappeared, and there are not many left. This "void" is also a condition, providing a kind of educational plasticity. Now we are again advocating the transformation and development of traditional morality in accordance with the socialist ideological system, which will not easily be entangled with the old feudal consciousness.

  Thirdly, Chinese traditional cultural morality is open. The Chinese traditional moral culture is broad and profound, far-reaching, and has become the soul of life of our ancient nation. This kind of strong vitality depends on the extremely strong inclusiveness and openness. It has fought hard to keep China's feudal society unified for thousands of years, and in modern times, it has integrated with the industrial societies of some Southeast Asian countries and regions to inject effective vitality into the development of modern capitalism. So it can also serve our socialism with the characteristics of The Times.

  Moreover, we have the capacity to absorb and utilize all the best human cultures. The proletariat is the most selfless stage, which determines its open-mindedness. How many Western cultures have Chinese Marxists assimilated with such an open mind and ability, from Marxism to systematics. Of course we can inherit our fine cultural traditions.

  All these factors (of course not only these) make it necessary and feasible to carry out traditional moral education. The following work is the stripping, analysis, combination, processing and promotion of traditional morality.

  英语四级作文预:道德教育 篇3

  Recently, I read this passage in China Moral Education: "Morality is not a set of mantras, but a song; Not a wall, but a step. If it is a piece of cloth, it is not used to conceal ugliness, but to show beauty; If it's a rope, it's not for bondage, it's for climbing. If it be the purpose, let us go to it light; If it's a tool, let's make it easy to use. That's what's moral." Well said, that's the most poetic interpretation of "morality" I've ever seen.

  As a well-educated person, moral cultivation is undoubtedly an important aspect. School moral education, which focuses on individual moral growth, must focus on the legitimacy and necessity of the code of conduct of individual daily life. As a social morality, it is entirely possible that the morality itself is not moral, which is why traditional China has the problem of "killing with courtesy". As an individual morality is to grasp and practice the individual of good morality, that is, the so-called "virtue is also obtained". As for the value of school moral education, one academic colleague said well: "Moral education can not arrange people's life, but can achieve people's pursuit of moral life; Moral education can not control life, but can improve the quality of life; Moral education can not clone virtue, but can create a 'morally mature person' ".

  As for the effectiveness of school moral education, it is generally believed that it is not ideal. This conclusion is due to the fact that we are spending far more than we are producing, and of course it has to do with our high expectations. What is the reason for the low effect of moral education in our school?

  The first reason is that our society lacks core values of stability. What are core moral values? The so-called core values are the basis and reason for other values that everyone can consciously recognize and conscientiously practice. For example, in traditional Chinese society, it is benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith. In Western society, they are freedom, equality, democracy, fraternity and human rights. Today we talk about collectivism, patriotism, socialism, can you think about this as the core value of all citizens? In modern Western society, freedom, equality, democracy, fraternity and human rights are all things that everyone will stand for, because they are closely related to the quality of each person's life and the happiness of each person's life. Who do not yearn for freedom, who do not yearn for equality, who do not want democratic participation, who do not want to enjoy more human rights, and in our culture "collective" is a alienated thing, so we now need to advocate more individualism in the sense of Western culture. Individualism in the Western sense is to emphasize individual responsibility and value. Why is our society lagging behind? The important reason is that we have no respect for the individual, no respect for the value of the individual.

  The second reason is that our education is divorced from the reality of students' lives, and there are too many pretentious things. There is something "pseudo-sublime" in the bones of our countrymen. We are too apt to take things that are not things as one thing, too apt to be excited, too apt to be sensitive, too apt to associate ordinary things with the divine, and this leads to false affection and false nobility.

  The third reason is to ignore the cultivation of our students' moral subjectivity. We tend to think of morality more as a rule, a requirement, a limitation. In fact, there is another aspect of morality: it is an element of harmonious development of individuals, a space for self-seeking, and the confirmation and representation of a good realm of life. Today we need to emphasize in particular: "Man does not exist to reflect morality, morality is for the better life of man".

  The goal of sound moral education should be composed of the following three points: continuously improving the needs of students, cultivating students' rational and autonomous moral judgment and moral choice ability, and helping students to form universalized morality. These three aspects are respectively from the perspective of affection, cognition and behavior.

  英语四级作文预:道德教育 篇4

  "Would you bend down to pick up an eye-catching tissue lying quietly on the ground?" "No, we won't," was the answer recently given by 232 freshmen at a middle school in Hangzhou.

  This answer shocked the whole society, wondering why they gave such an answer, is the students too nervous, ignore the tissue? Or students in line with the principle of "nothing to do with their own high hanging" will pick up the paper towel this "duty" to the school workers? Or is it too lazy to bend over and pick up a tissue? Due to tissue positions. The first kind of explanation is unlikely, though the rest of the explanation may be partly the student still young, indulge their own inertia, so that don't want to pick up a piece of paper towel, but there is no doubt that ethics can overcome laziness, investigate its fundamental is students' lack of moral education, is not fully develop as a student should have sense of social responsibility.

  There is no denying that today's education, although much criticized, still produces a lot of talent. On the Tsinghua learning god Han Yanjun, Fudan Mensa goddess Zhang Angel, under the music prodigy, abacus prodigy... . But among the many "boy gods and goddesses", few of them are defined by moral standards. A student's responsibility should not stop at learning! Mr. Qian Liqun used to criticize those who are successful in business but lack of morality as "refined egoists". However, the lack of moral education at present implies that "refined egoists" are emerging in large numbers.

  I can't help crying "Come quickly! Moral education "! Our education strictly requires mathematics, physics and chemistry not to fall behind others, trying to ensure the emergence of generalists and specialists at the same time, but only lax moral education, the 232 people in this middle school in Hangzhou turned a blind eye, sounded the alarm for us. In the 1980s, in the face of economic backwardness, we felt ashamed and then worked hard with the slogan of "economic development as the first priority". More than 30 years later, in the face of the lack of moral education, will we take the same determination to think about the pain and accelerate the construction of moral education? This is more arduous than the task of economic construction, the influence is also more far-reaching!

  Deep Springs founder Lucian wanted his students to have a sense of mission: to "selflessly use your power to make society better." The realization of this wish must be based on a strong sense of social responsibility, which cannot be formed without moral education. An evil nation with full moral education must have extraordinary soft power!

  Let us call for moral education and make Jinlong take off!

  英语四级作文预:道德教育 篇5

  When talking about China, people will inevitably think of such beautiful names as "ancient civilization" and "land of manners". Since the Yellow Emperor unified the Central Plains in ancient times, to the present five thousand years of history, national reproduction, cultural prosperity, economic sublimation, gradually formed the unique Chinese civilization, its core is "Tao" and "morality". But now, the quality of the people is increasingly low, no one denies that the present social civilization is facing a severe test. All kinds of uncivilized behavior are eroding the fragile organism of society.

  The "Public transport slap Door" incident in Hangzhou is a strong proof of this and a warning for moral education in China. Campus, this is a sacred place where knowledge and civilization converge, but in such a sacred atmosphere, it shows the world is full of graffiti, garbage everywhere, swearing students. If you look at those elderly elders, you can say that they are not very educated, they do not know the series of rules such as "civilization and discipline", but they do not say dirty words, do not litter, do not "whim" on the wall "great creation"! What do they know? They just know how to be polite, love and help each other, obey the law these most basic common sense. One might say that students know all these things as well as their elders. Yes, every student knows all these things, but do they do it in real life?

  And if they do, what about the "beautiful" graffiti on the walls and the rubbish that is not even a metre away from the bin? What the hell is going on? Is the so-called "ideological and moral education" just a piece of paper? The so-called "civilization and discipline" just talk? Is "moral, intellectual, physical and labor comprehensive development" to the end just draw water ---- in vain? That's what's wrong with education today! For the "moral education" that will have a profound impact on the future, most schools choose to memorize knowledge to deal with the exam, but in real life, who will put what they talk about every day into action? Can these moral education, which tends to be "formalism", really make the students who will enter the society into a cultured person? If can, then 15 mid autumn night Sanya coastline garbage tons is how to return a responsibility? Young wisdom is the wisdom of the country, young rich country rich, young strong country.

  So the young are not civilized, who can guarantee that the country is not depraved? Therefore, moral education needs to start from action.

  英语四级作文预:道德教育 篇6

  In my opinion, Chinese and Western education are two extremes. The western education is like an open and interesting story collection with mixed happiness and sorrow, while the Chinese education is like a heavy problem set, which is tired but useful. However, any method has its loopholes.

  A Russian couple with a look five or six years old child tour the garden, suddenly, the child fell into a meter deep dirty mud, he cried out for help, hoping that his parents pulled him up, but, parents township did not see the same, from the side around. A group of Chinese students saw this and tried to save the child, but the couple next to them shook their heads and said no. The children were crying and screaming in the mud, and the students looked at each other. After a while, the child stopped crying, not for a while, the child crawled out of the mud, his parents quickly picked him up, his face is a bright smile.

  I could not help but be shocked, deeply feel that the child climbed out of the mire happy, proud, very proud. Look at the following, but make me helpless shake the head sigh: "Mom, let me euthanasia!" Xiao Wei (pseudonym), an 18-year-old high school student in Banan District, sent a text message to his mother on the evening of December 15. On New Year's Day, Xiao Wei attempted suicide twice by cutting his wrists after breaking up with his first classmate, Meng Meng (pseudonym). Yesterday, the devastated mother turned to a psychologist for final help. Xiao Wei and Meng Meng is a key middle school senior two students, both excellent results. Small Wei introverted personality, and misty communication soon, namely by the teacher, both parents strongly opposed. But two children half a year later began to live together, scores plummeted. Because of trouble, this New Year's Day to xiao Wei put forward to break up. On the night of October 15, Wang received a text message from her son saying he wanted to be euthanized. In fact, this is not the first time the son wanted to die. On the eve of the Lunar New Year, Xiao Wei finished the family dinner in her mother-in-law's house and went home early alone. He made "one last phone call" to a classmate and slit his wrists in his bedroom. "Feeling wrong" classmates arrived in time, broke the door to send Xiao Wei to the hospital. In a suicide note to his mother, Xiao Wei said: "For half a month, I have been hiding and crying alone every night... But I can't live without her..." Two weeks later, Xiao Wei slit his wrists again. To keep her son's life, Ms. Wang came to the door and begged Mengmeng and its mother to help. Ms. Wang took out an old letter written to Xiao Wei. A large section of the letter was devoted to a quarrel between the two children over a nickname. Since his first suicide, Wei has been confined to his room, communicating with his mother only by text message. Ms. Wang was crushed when she received the message that her son wanted to be "euthanized." "If you have made up your mind," she wrote back to her son, "Mom will come with you when she finishes her work." Ms. Wang said that Xiao Wei has been obedient to him since he was born. And Xiao Wei has been brought up by his grandmother, at home is like a little emperor, even a pair of socks have not been washed. "He's always been taken care of, and the breakup should be the biggest setback of his life." Spoil children from love. Xiao Wei can't suffer the frustration of broken-hearted because he has been spoiled too much at home for a long time. He was always in the position of being loved, always saying "NO" to others. Once someone says "NO" to him, he has a hard time accepting it. "Fear of setbacks is a common weakness of only children today. It is better for their children if parents spoil them less."

  In my opinion, Chinese and Western education is not only different in appearance, but also in essence. First look at China's education: since childhood, it has been around the sea of questions, endless, from the primary school began to desperately write homework, homework has become difficult to cross the hill. However, the Western education is based on play, until high school did not stress on learning. However, Chinese children's mathematical ability is particularly strong, there are many logic mathematics world records created by the city Chinese. Because of our superior basic knowledge, we still have an advantage. Foreign companies are always willing to hire us. Our thinking ability is invincible. A 13-year-old girl has set a new world record by solving long and complicated equations in just a few minutes, and China's history is filled with famous mathematicians who have solved century-old problems. Besides, today's schools also pay much attention to our innovation and practical ability, so we are better than others. However, although our domestic students have strong mathematical ability, they have been doing exercises since primary school. A professor, he talked about Chinese math, he said, "Why do Chinese people who are so good at math end up not liking math? When I graduated from graduate school, I wanted to pursue a doctoral degree and do RESEARCH. I wanted to find Chinese students with good math scores in my class, but they ignored me and ran away to make money!" China still has some inadequacies and deficiencies, although there are many advantages. Moreover, the traditional virtue education of the Chinese nation is not inferior to that of Western countries (although some parents are contrary to it). China is a great country with a long culture of up and down five thousand years. It is influenced by Confucianism. Our education attaches great importance to virtue. As long as we've been speaking, we've been saying things like "courtesy", "virtue", "respect" and so on. Primary school, we learn all kinds of languages, tell us the profound truth. Junior high school, we are learning the way of Confucius and Mencius, each other. We from ancient times is a state of etiquette, until now we are still polite Chinese descendants.

  Western education is not Chinese education, and Chinese education is not Western education. The difference between education and education is just like the difference between free range animals and captive animals. education makes people the slave of knowledge, while education makes people the master of knowledge. In Western dictionaries, the first meaning of education is to train or guide or lead, the second meaning is knowledge and ability, and the third meaning is education -- and it is by no means so heavy as in China. Our dictionary places education as the first or even the only meaning, which is obviously a deliberate and fundamental misunderstanding. In the West, it is not as heavy and noble as the Chinese education. The two are not similar, but at least very different. To impose on others what is not there or to distort the main things is the reflection of their own ideas. education emphasizes passivity, obedience, rules and acceptance, unlike education, which emphasizes initiative, exploration, innovation and development.

  Now, with the development of society, reform and opening up, all ways are improving, education is no exception, the people in the west are slowly strengthening their basic education, and the Chinese descendants are also trying to integrate the overall development of quality education. I believe that one day in the future, the flowers of the motherland and the children of the world will grow stronger and stronger!









