
时间:2024-06-14 12:51:03 节日类英语作文 我要投稿





  Qingming Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in our country. It is not only the people of the worship of ancestors, cherish the memory of their ancestors Festival, is also the Chinese nation renjieguizong ties. The Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's poem "Qingming": "Qingming, the pedestrian on the road. I ask where there are restaurants nestling amidst Xinghuacun. "Write the special atmosphere of the Qing Ming Festival. People with bright fruit, paper money was.

  Go up the mountain and sweep the grave. On the day of the Qing Ming Festival, every family door is plugged in willow branches to tell people the Qingming Festival arrived. The most interesting thing is to eat eggs and cut the hair. On the day of the Qing Ming Festival, you must eat eggs, and there should be some onion in the egg. Because the onions and tcong are homophones, so the egg in the onion people called "clever egg" is also a clever egg. There is also the Qing Ming Festival must be cut on the day, cut the hair will become smart, so people call the "smart head". It's strange that you say it.

  This is our Qingming Festival, and I love the history of the 2500 and the unique Qingming Festival.


  The annual Qingming approaching, today the teacher took us to Zhi Shan Park graves, one to the nine characters eye "the Cixi revolutionary martyr memorial hall".

  We went up the stairs, walk to the Martyrs Monument was already out of breath, and after a while, the teacher let us set, then Xu Lei and I speak, listen only "spring flower show grief, pine green send deep feeling." I followed the "infinite love infinite grief, grave and offering hero hero." This is the chief read the verses of revolutionary martyrs, the Martyrs Monument like a bit of revolutionary martyrs, the Martyrs Monument beside a pine like a soldier to guard them, Yuwei Cen walk briskly to the Martyrs Monument side flag, after each flower, we respectfully on the Martyrs Monument, then we observed a minute of silence and at that time that I thought about many of the revolutionary martyrs who died in the battle, and some even did not leave a name.

  The following is the representative, what impressed me most is that we should good good study, day day up, which is representative of the martyrs of the promise, I want to learn to ensure that good, day day up. Next is our oath: let us remember this solemn moment, let us remember this solemn commitment we make martyrs with their blood banner, always flying in the blue sky of the motherland. Then march around the stadium after the downhill.

  The revolutionary martyrs who is really a great life, a glorious death.





  Last Qingming Festival,i return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,In the past, the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day". But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. Unlike the sacrifices at a family's home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers.

  With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors. Following folk religion, the Chinese believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family. Sacrifices of food and spirit money could keep them happy, and the family would prosper through good harvests and more children.




  And the tomb-sweeping day to once a year, mom and dad took me back to my hometown in guangxi to grave, I'm very happy, because can see a few years not see my Cousins again, the mood is excited, is so nervous, more hope to see them soon.

  The qingming festival in my hometown is so ceremonious, the ancestral grave of the family is distributed in the beautiful mountains, the qingming festival, the mountains are all over the mountains to sweep the tomb of the people, the mountain is lively. Elders prepared many confectionery mug-up, fruit drinks, was a bag of a bag with a pole carry, we have some of these children with hoes, some take a shovel followed, a family together up the mountain grave. Grave activity can be interesting, each find a ancestral graves, we separately made haste, and some weeding, some soil, that soon the overgrown tomb much clean, then need to put money into the grave of colorful in tomb in new soil, and brush dipped in red paint of the tombstone to trace the new word GongGongZhengZheng again, that time will not fix the ancestral grave suddenly transformed. Adults take offerings: roast pigs, chickens, ducks, etc in the grave, lit the candles, and burn a lot of money, these are gifts for the ancestors, money is used to ancestors, this means that the next to a piece of the filial piety of ancestors. At the end of the day, we will take turns kowtowing to our ancestors from the big to the small, and some of them are still chanting. Look, cousin read: "the ancestor bless, let me test a few minutes, no longer be laughed by other classmate!" You see my cousin is still ridiculous. There are more interesting things, too. Grandpa's tombstone left a line of unpainted words on the left, and I did not hesitate to pick up a pen and stroke it, and I was startled to hear the cry, "don't move!" Oh, this line is left to too grandma died before they can write, I almost ran a catastrophe, hurriedly before too grandpa's grave on four XiangTou, hope he can forgive my mistakes just now, elders happy ha ha laugh.

  Sweep up after the tomb, is really give us to tired, but this time the tomb-sweeping day I had a really meaningful, tomb-sweeping day I added a few share respect for our ancestors, also enhance my family and my Cousins.


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, which is a day to worship relatives who have died.

  Every year on Tomb Sweeping Day, my father, mother and I will go back to my grandmother's house to worship my grandfather who has died for ten years. My grandfather died when I was two years old. When my grandmother worshipped her relatives, she would bring good wine and vegetables to worship them. When we arrived at the grave, we first poured the good wine to Grandpa, then filled the good vegetables to Grandpa and put them in front of the grave, then set off firecrackers, three incense for each person, and made a few wishes or hopes on the grave. What about ourselves and what about others.

  Grandma's hometown has a tradition. During the Qingming Festival, everyone who goes to the grave has to bring a thin and long bamboo pole, buy a few strings of white paper money, string the paper money onto the thin and long bamboo pole, and then the bamboo pole next to the grave. Say something more to Grandpa. Burn some more paper money for Grandpa, clean grandpa's grave and tidy up things, and then we can go home. We had to go down the steep mountain road again. At the foot of the mountain, we looked at the top of the mountain. There was a string of white paper money on all the graves on the mountain. A gust of wind blew, like dead relatives, looking at us and saying goodbye to us.

  Seeing this scene, I suddenly couldn't help crying and thought to myself, goodbye Grandpa, I'll see you again next year.


  In the early morning, the red sun has not come out of the dark mountain, but the East has been spitting. Through a densely woven strands of leaves the white wooden window through the table that decadent, shot in those messy books. I only hear the Sashi of the window, it may be the wind, or the rain. I can not help thinking that today is a heavy Qingming Festival.

  The sky was drifting with rain, and it blurred the glass that was embedded in the window. Remember that "Qingming", they think of the deep sorrow ". Sepiaceous Toyama actually flashing sparks of fire, occasionally heard firecrackers echoed across the lonely road. The heart doesn't feel heavy.

  The blue sky is also hanging a few not vanishing star, downstairs has the smoke rises, the mother is up, busy after breakfast. Out the door, still rain rustling and tap a green bamboo keys, plucking the strings, knocking on the surface of the drum. The mountain grew green, as if it had been washed away with a layer of film color, showing its own green. Green, green, green, green...... The intersection is a piece.

  Go downstairs to eat breakfast, looking at the dark green Qingming Guo think, green hills, plains, green spring. Eat outside, although insipid, even some bitter, but the Qingming Guo's sweet, it touched my heart: lost loved ones grief after the necessary grief into strength! The living, the good live, don't let the dead see they want to see what happened!

  I have witnessed by the deceased relatives, suddenly in front of me. I look at them and shout in my heart: I won't disappoint you and disappoint you!

  The rain outside the window was getting smaller and smaller, and after all, it stopped. The bird in the rain and clean in sing their song. The sun also opened the clouds and warmed the earth. Life will always encounter a rainy day, or even a dangerous situation, but we, lighting accompanied by peals of thunder, will usher in the warm sunshine.


  Qingming Festival is an ancient traditional festival in China. It is generally from April 4 to 6. Every tomb sweeping day, people will go to the grave, outing, our hometown is no exception.

  It's really "rainy in Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls". Is there a light rain in the sky on the eve of Qingming Festival. After the light rain, the weather is sunny, sunny and the air is fresh. Our family drove to the mountain to visit the grave. Along the way, patches of rape flowers glittered with gold, tender buds rose in the heat, seedlings and grass stood tall, and plum, pear and peach blossoms bloomed. Everywhere is filled with the breath of spring, surrounded by green.

  Standing at the foot of the mountain, a pile of pebbles piled up into a stone mountain. We climbed up the rugged mountain road and covered our feet with wild flowers and weeds. We found the tombs of our predecessors and ancestors and began to sweep the tombs first: hoe the weeds on the mound, and then offer flowers and hang strips to the tombs. When everything is cleaned up, we'll burn some paper money. Take this opportunity, we also kowtow and bless. We commemorate our predecessors and ancestors with reverence, which reflects the Chinese people's spirit of respecting the elderly and expresses the Chinese people's love for their ancestors, predecessors or great men.

  After the tomb sweeping, we will visit relatives everywhere and get together. We will get together and have a noisy meal, which will bring the whole Qingming Festival to a happy end.


  Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb Sweeping Day, is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It falls on the 15th day after the Spring Equinox, usually around April 4 or 5. The festival is a time for Chinese people to pay tribute to their ancestors and remember the past.


  The tradition of Qingming Festival dates back more than 2,500 years to the Zhou Dynasty. In ancient times, it was believed that the spirits of the dead would return to the world of the living on this day. To honor their ancestors, people would visit their graves, clean the tombstones, and offer food and other offerings.


  Today, Qingming Festival is still an important occasion for Chinese people to remember their ancestors. Many families will make a trip to the cemetery or burial site of their loved ones to pay their respects. They will also burn incense, paper money, and other offerings as a sign of their love and gratitude.


  In addition to honoring the dead, Qingming Festival is also a time for Chinese people to enjoy the beauty of nature. Many people will take advantage of the pleasant weather to go for a picnic, fly kites, or just take a leisurely stroll in the park. It is a time to celebrate life and the beauty of the world around us.



  The tomb-sweeping day as a holiday, are different from pure solar terms. Solar term is a sign of phenology change, seasonal order in China, and it is more a festival of custom activities and some memorable.

  Tomb-sweeping day is China's traditional festival, is also the most important memory of ancestors and the grave. This grave to commemorate the dead man's a kind of activity. The han nationality and some minority are mostly in the tombs. Grave, people to carry goods such as especially fruit, paper money to the grave, will be food for offering in the family tomb, to use paper money on fire new soil up to the grave, fold a few branches pale green branches ed in the grave, and then kowtow worship salute, finally eat especially home. The tang dynasty poet tu mu's poem "qingming" : "rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. Restaurant where? Boy pointed apricot blossom village." Write the ching Ming festival special atmosphere.

  Ching Ming festival, also called TaQingJie, according to the solar calendar for, it's in every year on April 4 to 6, between, it's beautiful spring scenery spring-out of season, also is a good time to people spring outing, so the ancients had qingming outing, and carry out a series of customs sports activities.

  Until today, tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, mourning the late relatives customs still prevail.


  Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb Sweeping Day, is a traditional festival in China that dates back more than 2,500 years. The festival has its origins in ancient Chinese culture and has been celebrated in various forms throughout Chinese history.


  The earliest origins of Qingming Festival can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC). During this time, it was customary for people to worship their ancestors by offering sacrifices and cleaning their graves. This tradition was later adopted by other dynasties, including the Han and Tang Dynasties.


  In the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), the festival became known as Qingming Festival and was officially recognized as a national holiday. During this time, people would visit the tombs of their ancestors and offer sacrifices such as food and wine. They would also sweep the tombs and burn incense and paper money as a sign of respect.


  Over time, the customs and traditions of Qingming Festival evolved, but the basic principles remained the same. Today, the festival is still an important occasion for Chinese people to honor their ancestors and pay their respects to the dead. It is a time to remember the past and appreciate the present.



  The tomb sweeping day is one of the traditional festivals in china. On April 5th, people start to visit their ancestors’tombs.

  generally speaking, people will bring the home-made food, some fake money and paper-made mansion to their ancestors. When they start to honour their ancestor, they will light up some candles and incense, put some flowers around the tombs.

  The most important thing is to put the home-made food in front of the tombs. The food, also known as sacrifices, is usually made up with a chicken, a fish and some pork. It’s a symbol of the offspring’s respect to the ancestors.

  People believe that the forbears will share the food with them. The children dedicate the food and money to their forbears in order to show their love and caring. The young offspring will go down on their knees and pray for their ancestors. They can say their wishes in front of the tombs and the ancestors will make their dreams come true.






  joozone editors note: qing ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. more important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to ones deceased ancestors and family members. because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, qing ming is a major chinese festival.literally meaning "clear" (qing) and "bright" (ming), this chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. it is a "spring" festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears.

  chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an etended period, that is, 10 days before and after qing ming day.among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated.


  "As" this sentence is confirmed by the wonderful nature, yesterday the wisper under light rain, my heart is heavy like a rock, because want to master and old milk grave, before, I don't understand the real meaning of the qing Ming day, until today after sweeping the tomb, I understand the true meaning of tomb-sweeping day!

  At seven o 'clock in the morning, we prepare to master and old milk grave, grave is a fresh thing for me, we take tools and set off.

  Walking the winding mountain road, I can't wait, after about an hour, we came to the master and old grandma's grave, a year didn't come, graves are covered with wild grass, you well after the division of labor, began to busy, everything is in place, we started to burn money, along with the smoke, I seem to see their shadow, they told me: study hard and cherish life.

  Yes, life is short, happy every day to live, to continuously surpass ourselves, surpass ourselves, dream will come true; The superego, the dream into power; Beyond the self, to create beautiful life! I think life is constantly transcend self, beyond the dream!!!!! Panoramic view of the city house on the mountain, the mountain was full of golden golden in the rape, deep breath, deep and remote light fragrance, fresh air, the flowers with irresistible power explanation of the meaning of life!






  The annual qingming festival is here again. In order to commemorate the heroic sacrifice of revolutionary martyrs, our school organized the cemetery to sweep the graves of martyrs today. In order to sweep the grave today, I specially asked my mother to teach me two small white flowers last night. My mother said that the flowers they used to sweep the grave were made by their own hands, and I think I would have to do it myself to be more sincere.

  After dinner, we prepared to set off. The teacher assigned us a group, and each group was assigned a team leader to assist the teacher in discipline. There are seven people in our group. I'm the group leader. We set out and walked all the way to the martyr's cemetery. The weather is good today, so there are a lot of people who visit the martyrs' cemetery, not only our school, but also other schools, and many adults to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs.

  Everyone line up, in order in front of the monument bow, flowers, to the revolutionary heroes of reverence and grief! The students vowed to study hard in front of the heroic monument, to serve the motherland in the future, and to be a useful person to the society.

  After coming out of the martyrs' cemetery, the teacher won the honor for our school in the last spot check in suzhou, so let us play in ting Lin park. Because it was spring, there were many flowers in the park, and there were patches of verdant grassland, where I took a deep breath, as if I could feel the sweet taste. Our large group of children is more like a newly hatched bird, rejoicing in the grass, not excited! We found an open space to group activities, and brought out the snacks we had brought out to share, and we ate while playing games. Telling stories, singing songs, dancing dancing, and playing with the music, even the teachers are tickling to join our team.

  Has gone unconsciously one afternoon, our group of students in the entire process of activities, is very fit me this leader, who are not in violation of discipline, in order to reward them, I use my pocket money bought them each a cold drink. Hey hey, I this small group leader still be good!


  Last Qingming Festival is also a time to plant trees, for the survival rate of saplings is high and trees grow fast later. In the past, the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day". But since 1979, "Arbor Day" was settled as March 12 according to the Gregorian calendar. Festival of Pure Brightness, called as Tomb-sweeping Day, it is the occasion for all the Chinese to honor their ancestors. As it is early spring and usually falls around April 4, it is usually breezy and drizzly. But urban dweller prefer to go to the countryside during the season. Paying respects to the dead in the third month in lunar calendar is related to the custom of funeral. Sweeping tomb has been an indispensable custom since Qin Dynasty, but this is not only one of the twenty-four solar terms, it is also an old traditional festival. The day before tomb-sweeping day is called “Hanshi Festival” which is also in the third month of lunar year. This festival is in memory of a famous minister of Jin kingdom during the Spring and Autumn Period. Customs related to Pure Brightness Festival: not eating food, sweeping the tomb of ancestors, going out to suburb, having a swing, flying a kite, cockfighting, and playing the ball, etc.










