
时间:2024-06-02 09:33:35 合作 我要投稿





  From the film “Air Buddy”,I begin to understand what cooperate stands for from the bottom of my heart. I always think I can do everything well by myself befor that,but now I maybe I believe that cooperate will create miracles.

  The summary of the film is that five puppies learned about cooperation and accepeted new master and asmophere hat is their homes by rescuing their parents。 In the course of the rescuring,I will never forget the moved the five puppies brouht me .However,nowadays we all human beings cannot but admit that cooperation is important.

  No matter how fast our society develop,I’m greatly convinced that only in this way,we can make greater contributions to our society. After all,it is cooperation that makes our human beings from different country become more closed。 Of course I’m sure cooperation is benefited for peace in a way.


  I like teamwork because I can learn from others.Once, I was very shy and did not know how to get along with other students,so everytime when the teacher gave us the task and asked us to finish in the teamwork,I was very scared.Then my classmates helped me,they gave me a lot opinion and they respected me,making me the indispensable person.

  Then I became brave and gave my opinion,we were in a group, every opinion meant so much.During these days,I was so excited about the experiment,we shared our idea and talked happily.It was such a happy moment, I liked cooperation.


  competition and cooperation(竞争与合作)

  When it comes to competition and cooperation, some people always emphasize competition but neglect cooperation.

  Their reasons run as following: to begin with, they believe only competition can help them defeat their counterparts; in addition, they think competition is the only way to lead to success.

  But some others hold different opinion. They think cooperation is as important as competition. They base their opinion on the following reasons: on one hand, cooperation can build trust between each other and help to bring long-term relationship; on another hand, cooperation can turn a small and weak business into a big and strong one.

  From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that both competition and cooperation are essential to success and thus should be emphasized at the same time.

  Competition is Fun

  Chairman Mao once made a famous remark about competition, “To battle with God is great fun! To battle with Earth is great fun! To battle with people is great fun!” His words, although seeming a bit too aggressive, have illustrated that competition is never regarded as something formidable by a brave.

  Competition exists throughout the evolution of nature and everyone’s life. Creatures compete to survive the merciless environment, eliminating weaker ones; Nations in the world compete for resources and power, and whichever fallen behind is beaten. As for individuals, ever since the very first day of our lives, we are forced into a competition with thousands of others around us, including taking examinations, applying jobs and striving for promotion, the results of which definitely determine our fate. Competition is as real a fact as the air around us that can neither be evaded nor be ignored.

  Thus, my dear friends, do not fear competition. Accept it and enjoy it. With competition, you grow stronger, and you gain so much precious experience worth remembering of, regardless of what the outcome would be. Without competition, you cease to grow; you become a dead moth sealed in its own cocoon.

  Competition is a common phenomenon in our society . We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. Therefore,we can say that, in a certain sense, competition is one of the motive forces of the development of our modern society.

  It is often believed, that competition and cooperation are in opposition to each other. Some people stress competition, without which, in their eyes, there is no responsibility, no drive and ultimately, no progress. Others advocate cooperation whatever they do. They are of the opinion that the dependence of people on one another has increased, without which the society we live in can not keep going smoothly. In reality, we find that in many cases competition goes hand in hand with cooperation. Lets take a football game for example. During the game, one team is competing against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. Otherwise, they would lose the game no matter how skillful each individual player might be. It is clear that competition has much to do with cooperation.

  As far as I'm concerned, I do not agree with the view that competition and cooperation are always in conflict with each other. In my opinion, while advocating competition, we should never forget cooperation. In our social life, cooperation is especially necessary because most work is fulfilled with or through other people. So I've come to the conclusion that competition are equally important.


  As the saying goes,"brothers,satisfy broken heart." A man's strength is too small,only have cooperation,can achieve.Man is standing in the far out at sea coast mast-head can have a ship,the need to promote,One mountain is in the far east has whose shimmering rays of the sun,need a set,One of the force is restless in its mother's womb,the maturation of maternal infant to nourish.

  Cooperation is the path to success to mark.Danish astronomer with 30 years DiGu observation of the planet,precision accumulated extensive accurate and reliable information.But no good theoretical thinking and scientific arrangement,not a great discovery.Before his death DiGu will material to assistant Kepler,and told him the material preparation.DiGu accurate observation and the profound study of Kepler,combining finally leads the movement of the planets of the three laws of motion of the object,uncover secret.Without cooperation,the three laws of motion to the planet?

  Cooperation is spread to the foundation of success.Many of the warring states period,and Lin xiangru's WanBiGuiZhao nov.1992,WangChongYong zhao zhao4 guo2's prime minister,as when lian Po old general prided himself on that very defy spirit,and everywhere.Lin xiangru's for the country's interests to lian Po old rivalry everywhere.General In the old general understand Lin xiangru's on the original,very ashamed,personally to prime minister mansion QingZui auxiliary thorns.In dealing with national affairs of their cooperation,make an increasingly,JiangXiangHe as historical legacy.Without cooperation,which come national prosperity?

  BC,chu,zhao 318,wei,Korea,yan five components of the coalition against aggression,qin,however,due to the heart,want to own interests,not very good cooperation,resulting in failure.If at all in the world cooperate,concentrated force,material and financial resources,is certain to beat the qin dynasty.Say so,with cooperation,can achieve.

  Let the flower of success in the cooperation in the soil in the spring,the cooperation in the spring,let the success of spewing eagles flying in the sky in the cooperation.Let us have cooperation,hug success!









  Competition is common in every field of life. For example, the Olympic Games is the most famous competition in the world. In the four hundred meter swimming race, the swimmers plunge into the water at the signal. Each swings his or her arms and legs and tries his or her best to be the first. Also there is the competition for jobs, for promotion, for customers, and so on. We can say, in a certain sense, competition stimulates people's interest in work and helps society to go forword.

  We often find that competition goes hand in trend with cooperation. Take, for example, a volley ball match. The members of the team cooperate with each other. One serves the ball, Then another passes the ball to a certain height for a still other to hit it over the net while the other members try to block it on its return. It requires good tearn work to win the game.

  While we advocate competition, we cannot forget cooperation. Human beings are social beings. No one can exist alone in the society. If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others. You cannot play single-handed and win. You have to cooperate with your playmates, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top. From cooperation we get mutual help and understanding. With cooperation the world is progressing at peace and in harmony.







  The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of cooperation. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Cooperation can help people achieve our objectives more smoothly. If everyone in a group can cooperate with each other actively and play each other’s strength sufficiently, those once-deemed-unachievable tasks for one single person can be successfully accomplished through shared efforts. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of A, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: after the financial crisis swept the whole world in 20xx, how could the world economy recover/restore/revive/revitalize at such a rapid speed without cooperation among countries all around the world ?

  We should Always bear in mind that in such a competitive world of today, no individuals or organizations can achieve success without cooperation. Furthermore, when coming across setbacks or challenges, we should not dismiss ourselves as a powerless individual, instead, we should discover advantageous resources initiatively, collaborate effectively with people around us, and thus overcome all the things that lie in the way to success.“Coming together is a beginning . Keeping together is a process . Working together is a success.” Henry Ford once said.


  Competition is common in every field of life. for eample, the olympic games is the most famous competition in the world. In the four hundred meter swimming race, the swimmers plunge into the water at the signal. each swings his or her arms and legs and tries his or her best to be the first. also there is the competition for jobs, for promotion, for customers, and so on. we can say, in a certain sense, competition stimulates peoples interest in work and helps society to go forword.

  We often find that competition goes hand in trend with cooperation. take, for eample, a volley ball match. The members of the team cooperate with each other. One serves the ball, then another passes the ball to a certain height for a still other to hit it over the net while the other members try to block it on its return. it requires good tearn work to win the game.

  While we advocate competition, we cannot forget cooperation. human beings are social beings. No one can eist alone in the society. If you want to play the game well, you have to play with others. You cannot play single-handed and win. You have to cooperate with your playmates, who may make the social ladder for you to climb to the top.From cooperation we get mutual help and understanding.With cooperation the world is progressing at peace and in harmony.



  Our country has always advocated cooperation, "all the world is brothers", which is an ancient saying that has been passed down for a long time,


  "Mutual care, love and help" has become the fashion of the times. But we also need to see that some places place too much emphasis on individual struggle, but ignore how to cooperate with others to achieve success, and even ignore how to not hurt others in the competition.


  In China's economic life, there is a "turtle rabbit Win-win Theory". After many competitions, they won and lost each other. Later, the tortoise cooperated and the hare carried the tortoise on his back and crossed the river. This is a win-win situation. Competitors can also be partners. As the saying goes, "one fence, three stakes, one hero and three gangs." To achieve great things, we must rely on the joint efforts of all of us.


  In foreign countries, a teacher guided the students to do a very interesting experiment - "fire escape". The teacher put many ping-pong balls into the bottle, only showing the cotton thread. The vase represents the building. The narrow bottleneck is the only exit. Seven ping-pong balls are residents. When the building is on fire, all residents can escape safely in a short time. Seven students came on stage excitedly. They each took a piece of cotton thread and pulled it with the fastest response. However, one "person" did not get out of the fire. It turned out that seven ping-pong balls were all stuck at the mouth of the bottle. The students looked at each other and saw that one of them had a few words to discuss with his companions and started a new experiment. This time, instead of taking care of each other's cotton thread, they pulled it from left to right in turn. Sure enough, before the fire started, the seven "residents" had left the exit.


  Therefore, good cooperation is very important.


  I am the only child in my family, so I get used to doing things by myself. Since I go to school, my teacher always gives us the homework, the problem is that we must finish in a group. At first, I was refused, because I knew I could do it by my own. But my teacher insisted, so I had to work with my group members. I started to find that I got many ideas from my group members and I felt so happy to work with them. Now I realize that teamwork is really good, it not only relieves my pressure, but also brings me happiness. The power of teamwork is infinite.



  Team work is very important in our work.It is quite often that one is not able to carry out a job by itself.He needs more people to comlete it together.We can say some importance jobs could not be done without teamwork.For example,in a football match,very memember plays a different role which is important,all memembers must cooperate with each other to fight against the opponent team.They can only win the match when they do good teamwork,or they will be defeated.

  China has an old saying,"Unity is strength",which means the importance of teamwork.





  It is widely accepted that to work independently has the obvious advantage that it can prove one’s ability. However, I believe that teamwork is more important in the modern society and teamwork sprit has become a required quality by more and more companies.


  In the first place, we are situated in a complicated society and we often encounter tough problems that are beyond our ability. It is especially at this moment that teamwork proves to be exceedingly important. With the help of the team, these problems can be solved easily and quickly, which could improve work efficiency.


  In the second place, teamwork provides a chance to cooperate with workmate, it will make a friendly and enjoyable work environment, which is an important factor influencing employees’ belief in the company as a good workplace.


  Finally, teamwork contributes to the prosperity of the companies. With all workmates’ knowledge combined, the companies possess high work efficiency and an ability to deal with whatever problems. As a result, the companies can make more profits and develop more quickly.


  In sum, teamwork is very important, no one could live individually, they must rely on others in some way. Hence, work together could make life easier.



  I was the only child in my family, so I was used to doing it by myself since I went to school. The teacher always assigned us homework. The problem was that we had to finish it in groups at the beginning.

  I was rejected because I knew I could do it myself, but the teacher insisted, so I had to work with my team members. I began to find that I got a lot from my team members Idea, I feel very happy to work with them. Now I realize that teamwork is very good.

  It not only reduces my pressure, but also brings me happiness. The power of teamwork is infinite.


  I was used to do things by my own, because I did not like to cooperate with other person, for I thought it was so easy and quick for me to finish the job. But since I went to high school, I thought I could not do things on my own any more, I needed someone else’s help.

  Take the biology homework for example. The teacher asked us to do some researches and then handed in the conclusion in the next class. It took me some time to finish the research, what’s more, I did not have enough time to do all the researches, so if I cooperated with other students, we could share our researches and then made the overall conclusion. It not only saved my time, but also helped me to promote the communication with my classmate. Cooperation has the great power.


  Unity is strength, cooperation is bridge. Cooperation is the basis of confidence. Cooperation is the source of strength. Cooperation is the searchlight that opens the way to life. Cooperation is the golden key to open the door to success. A successful collaboration is not difficult, as long as you have self-confidence, confidence in others. In cooperation, mutual cooperation, tacit understanding, mutual encouragement, refueling each other, help each other, remind each other, we can cooperate successfully. "Do you poster! The office blackboard newspaper! "A student shouted.

  We help students around in the past to ask questions, this poster is the theme of "animal". We first division, rice write headlines, and I 10000 purple illustration, Gottlieb copy paper. At first we don't know who does first, but what does it do?. The result was not painted well, nor was it written. The blackboard was a mess. As soon as I looked at them, I called them aside and said, "first you write the headlines, and then you start to copy the articles. We draw the picture at last, so as not to disturb the battle."." I said, "the rice climbed on the table, wrote the headline and wrote it. I handed the information to Lori and asked her to copy it on the blackboard. After I finished copying, I started drawing with Wan Zi.".

  I painted a bear, and WAN painted a dolphin. We finished the work quickly, and the beautiful blackboard newspaper appeared in front of everyone. A beautiful peony, not what, let alone a not the spring, spring is a riot of colour in the world. A tree stand proudly pine, not what a thriving, not a hero, Wanmuchenglin is strong wind shelter in the Great Wall. Whether in life or in study, we need to cooperate. Only if we know how to cooperate can we succeed.


  I like teamwork because I can learn from others.Once, I was very shy and did not know how to get along with other students,so everytime when the teacher gave us the task and asked us to finish in the teamwork,I was very scared.Then my classmates helped me,they gave me a lot opinion and they respected me,making me the indispensable person.Then I became brave and gave my opinion,we were in a group, every opinion meant so much.During these days,I was so excited about the experiment,we shared our idea and talked happily.It was such a happy moment, I liked cooperation.









合作的力量 The Power of Cooperation-英语作文06-25

